Which Number Brings you Love, Luck and Money! According to Your Zodiac Sign

Which Number Brings you Love, Luck and Money! According to your zodiac signIn Astrology, the numbers are not just something abstract. They have a certain energy, that affects in a particular manner the people.

This information is directly related to the influence of the planets. In other words, each zodiac sign has a number that brings him happiness. And some have one that leads only to problems and complications.

The numbers are all around us – addresses, phone numbers, license plates, dates of important events for us… If we are able to fully control them, all this will work to our benefit!

Sun affects people born under the sign of Leo. Number one is a symbol of the positive start of activity and success in business.

Number 1 for the Lions is simply “a magnet for success.” A number of which the Lions must be careful is 2. It will always pull them back and prevent their development.


Number 2 brings the power of love and security that is so necessary and it is never sufficient to the Cancer zodiac sign.

2 itself, brings good luck and peace – 22, 222, 2222… Cancer should be kept away from the numbers 1, 10, 100, 1000 …! 2 can be combined with 7, which suppresses the influence of 1. 27, 272.7272.


Three is a lucky number for  Aries and Scorpio. They need to know that in any area where there is competition or a basis for development, it is better to be surrounded by the number 3 – in the mobile phone number, address, make important strides to date 03.

Recommended: Discover Your Sun Number – It Indicates the Core of Who You Are

In the form of talisman or jewel 3 is encoded in the triangle.


Here already is the energy of knowledge, deep thought, science, trade, exchange of information. 4 brings happiness to Gemini and Virgo. And his strength is double if the person works as a journalist, entrepreneur, translator, writer, publisher and any information activities.

These star signs should always use the square as an ornament. “The fatal day” 13 brings them happiness.


As in number 1, here also we have a powerful positive energy only for Sagittarius. Especially if his work is related to constant communication with people.

Regardless of the other numbers, if there is even one number 5, it’s lucky for them. For example 12345. The perfect jewel for them is a star with five rays.


Six has a special harmony that is felt from the signs Libra and Taurus. The number brings them luck and satisfaction if these signs are doing something they love. Helping them much in love. For example, a perfect wedding date for them is 06.06.

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And they also have “friendly” numbers, with which can combine 6 to even better effect. For example, relationship and marriage – combine with 4. For more creativity and success in the service – combine with 9.


Seven as a whole is a lucky number, but in everyday aspect, it brings most luck to Capricorn. Saturn is the planet of obstacles.

Representatives of this zodiac sign will handle all difficulties. There is also something mystical – the number 7 helps them to “hear” the advice of their guardian angels.


Eight is a lucky number for Aquarius. 8 is a double image, helping them to draw energy from invisible dimensions to us. 8 is the number of different, talented, original, people, one level above the rest, but unfortunately, they are regularly misunderstood.

8 is a symbol of infinity, helping Aquarius to be always energetic and creative. It can be viewed as a spiral, so any jewelry with spiral elements will bring luck to the sign.


9 is a symbol of completeness, closing the circle. Adulthood. Pisces should avoid any sharp objects and in any case sharp jewelry.

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The ornament for this zodiac sign is a circle. 9 in combination with one brings money to Pisces. 9 in combination with 2 enhances intuition and helps to make the right decision in difficult times. 9 in combination with 6 helps to attract love.

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  1. Michaelhet April 26, 2024
  2. PedroLerrY April 26, 2024
  3. Marcelfuh April 26, 2024
  4. Michaelhet April 26, 2024

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