Search Results for: numerology
On the 12th day of the 12th month of the year, a powerful numerology code is activated helping to raise the frequency of our light body, access high …
Our date of birth reveals a lot about who we are and how that affects our love life. The practice of numerology can reveal dark secrets and hidden desires …
In astrology, we consider September to be a turning point month as we are in the 6th zodiac sign or halfway through the cycle of 12 zodiacs. September also …
To find out your monthly Numerology prediction for 2018, you’ll have to do a wee bit o’ math to calculate your Personal Year Number—see instructions below—which influences your whole …
If you have been seeing the number 1444 popping up around you too often, it is probably a sign. Numbers 1444 and 144 are a blend of the vibrations …
2018 is a special year in numerology as it holds the vibration of the number 11 and the number 2. 11 is considered a master number in numerology as …
If you’ve ever wondered if the address of your house, condo, or apartment could affect the energy of your home, you’re not alone. Lots of people have thought about …
November is a highly sacred month in numerology and is considered one of the most meaningful points of the .year This is because November is a number 11 month and …
Numbers play a big role in each of our lives and we tend to be drawn instinctively towards certain figures. Everything from our birthdays, lucky numbers, favorite digits, milestones, …
September 9th 2017 holds the vibration of 991- this is because it is the 9th day, in the 9th month in a number 1 year. Number 9 is a …