Today’s Daily Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign: Friday, April 12, 2019

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Read GOSTICA’s Daily Horoscope for each Zodiac Sign. Voted the Best Horoscope. Over 500.000 readers.

On Friday, there will be an unpleasant situation at work related to a woman who may be your colleague, client, or supervisor. It is possible to receive unpleasant news about a woman with whom you have had a professional relationship in the past.

Today nice news or successes in one way or another will be related to a man. If you are traveling today, be careful with documents and money, your contacts with strangers, or those who impose some kind of service. On Friday, many will be attending a special occasion and will need to buy a suitable gift in advance.

Men over the age of 35 will have a good day to start a change in their lives, for court or lawsuits and to make important decisions.

If you were born under the sign of Aries, Leo or Sagittarius, Friday will find something to surprise you. Now you will experience something emotionally interesting. Today you can take the time to prepare for a new job (at home or on your farm) or business. It is a good time for you to realize a new project or idea.

If you were born under the sign of Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn, on Friday you will have a nice day for document engagements. Today’s news will probably be unexpected, related to a new proposal, a change in a preliminary arrangement or plan, etc. Try your luck in the lottery, but with only one ticket.

If you were born under the sign of Gemini, Libra or Aquarius, today you will be surprised by events in your love or family life. In terms of a financial plan, the day will be favorable especially if your work is related to travel, communications, tourism, and more. You can expect a successful day in which everything will depend on your ambition and preparation for your day-to-day commitments.

If you were born under the sign of Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces, Friday will be a day for you to not cheat or lie. If you are looking for concrete results and successes, keep purity and calm in your actions. The slow development of some events today should not bother you. The day brings its joys, so be patient.

Keep reading GOSTICA Daily Horoscope for each sign below…

Today’s Daily Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign: Friday, April 12, 2019


daily horoscope, aries

Drop that warrior stance, Aries, and let your nurturing side shine through. Today, a quarter moon in Cancer brings some chicken soup for your soul. Be more personal in your conversations with people instead of getting straight down to business; let them know you care.

This moon has extra heart-opening powers! Devote the evening to family time or catching up with a favorite from your inner circle. You might even host a small dinner at Chez Aries so you can talk about private matters without worrying about who will overhear.


Taurus Sign - Daily Horoscope

There’s strength in numbers, Taurus! Under the spell of today’s quarter moon, look at everyone around you as a resource. Friends, colleagues and even a significant other can be a source of motivation—and the extra pairs of hands you’ve been hoping to find. Solicit feedback and opinions instead of trying to dig up all the answers on your own.

Gathering intel from your community will help you view a stuck situation from another perspective. Working on a big project? Crowdsource ideas from the web, or browse your favorite bookstore for ideas. Inspiration is all around you—all you have to do is look!


daily horoscope, gemini

Productivity spike! Today’s quarter moon could yield positive developments for your career and finances. Apply yourself and keep distractions at bay. You can make huge strides toward a goal if you stick to a simple plan and take a softer approach.

Break down your tasks into simple steps and get into action. It’s a great day to impress an influential person or show a key decision maker how capable and creative you really are. When in doubt, tame your renegade spirit and follow protocol. You can rock the boat later, when you’re in a more secure position.


Cancer Sign Daily Horoscope

With a balancing quarter moon in Cancer, this is the day to dream big. But take smaller steps toward manifesting your vision into reality. Don’t overshoot the mark or gamble too much. A simple calculated risk can make a big impact—and your intuition is a great guide if you tune in.

Let passion lead the way and take a few more personal risks, like wearing your heart on your statement sleeve and ‘fessing up to your true feelings. Nothing ventured, nothing gained!


Leo Sign - Daily Horoscope

You may have a long list of projects to tackle, but the quarter moon in your dreamy twelfth house can make it hard to focus. Instead of muscling through those tasks, reshuffle your schedule so you can devote the day to creative brainstorming.

If heavy emotions come up, don’t sweep them under the rug—or stuff them down with snack food. Dive in and talk it over with a wise, supportive mentor. Admitting that something is bugging you is the precursor to turning the tide in a happier direction. Tonight, burning up the dance floor—or having a good cry while watching a film—could be cathartic!


Virgo Sign Daily Horoscope

A friendship could evolve into a more official collaboration under the light of today’s quarter moon. Gush unapologetically about your latest obsession—and don’t be surprised if people jump on your bandwagon. But the more isn’t always the merrier.

Give your existing alliances a review. You may need to prune the dead weight from a team effort or deliver a final “shape up or ship out” warning to a persistent slacker. Don’t worry: The vacancy will quickly fill with a qualified candidate.


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