Today’s Daily Horoscopes, Friday November 17, 2017 for each Sign

Let’s talk about the dark side.

Your daily horoscope is here, astrology lovers! Today, the Moon is in Scorpio and the Sun is in Scorpio, and so is Venus and Jupiter. All these planetary influences are in the same sign, so there’s lots of Scorpion energy taking place today.

Scorpio’s traits are mystery, seduction, sensuality, passion, obsession, death, life, rebirth, and addiction.

It’s hard to discuss the energy that comes to us today without taking a walk on the dark side. 

We could talk all day about how dark and sexual Scorpio’s energy is but you already know all of that, and truly there’s no more to discuss. Let’s talk about you.

There’s a dark side to you and in all human nature. Some people learn how to channel their negative attributes into positive ones. Other people…well, they often end up becoming serial killers, narcissists, career criminals, and sometimes sadly, worse. 

f you have lots of water in your chart, you may be more emotional. If you’re lots of fire, you will be passionate. If you’re more Scorpio…well, you get the point.

Ultimately, much of who were are involves life choices. If are bad in math, you can study to be better. If you’re difficult to love, you can learn how to be nice. If you have a tendency to be disruptive or negative, you can find a way to overcome that too. 

What does this mean for your zodiac sign according to astrology?

Some zodiac signs will be more aware and contemplative of their character flaws and set to work on them. Other zodiac signs will learn to be accountable for their challenges and work on creating a better environment to support positive growth.

A few zodiac signs, especially those struggling with addiction or harmful thoughts, be encouraged to get help. Your life matters. 

Zodiac signs that benefit from today’s Moon with power day for Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn, and Pisces — Scorpio, double dose day for you!

Best activities to do today include therapy, counseling, study, reading and taking time to think. To find out more, look for your zodiac sign below to find out what’s in store according to your horoscope for today. 

For a deeper look and understanding of all the forces at work – also referred to as transits – between the mundane chart on the day and at the time the horoscope is cast, and all the configurations of your natal chart, affecting your sign today refer to our Free Daily Personalized Horoscope.



In some professional situations, you are trying but not paying attention to fundamental details.

Someone had even warned you in the past few days.

You should be humble and take into consideration the alerts you are given.

It’s easy to recognize them if you know how to listen. People won’t be continuously repeating until you learn your lesson.



Try to put in the first place the values that really count on this day, and not those you think have priority over a material matter.

You sometimes might tend to get vengeful but on the other side, you are perfectly able to be much more sensitive than that.

Your family members have been trying to keep you away from business or some issues that have nothing to do with the career you want to embark on or with the dreams that you believed you wanted to accomplish.



Even if you have put in a good lucky pair of business does not mean you are the absolute magician.

It just means you’ve been good and you’ve also had luck.

There is also to be said that no one put the sticks in the wheels.

From now on, however, the issue could change and evolve in a negative way.

It will be up to you to always give 100% and never giving up the grip, listening well the words of those who want to advise you and keeping your eyes open to those you know will hinder you.



What will happen in the next few days at this time should not affect you, because you should live the present and think about what will happen today.

If you have a decision to make, do not re-read it.

At several moments of your life, you have avoided direct confrontation with destiny, but you cannot avoid it forever.

You will have to face your fears and overcome them because you have the means and abilities at your disposal.

You will get stronger and more mature!



Multiply your efforts on this day as it could be the only way to deal with a situation that has been degenerating for a long time.

You’ve had enough space, but now the issue has become urgent.

Resting would mean giving up a dream, victory, glory.

Being timely is a quality that you will surely have to acquire, but you can do it now by learning from your mistakes, which certainly are not few.


Continues on the next page…


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