Jupiter Is In Scorpio- Here’s How It Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign



An expansion is fun, but could you use a little sabbatical? Life begins to settle back into normal-sized proportions when your balanced sign sees the last of excessive Jupiter in your rearview mirror.

Since September 9, 2016, you’ve been hosting the high-octane planet in your first house of self and expression—and you may have felt stretched to your limits.

There may have been moments (or days or weeks) when you experienced vertigo from how much and how fast the ground was moving under your feet.

You like to weigh your options before making a decision, whereas Jupiter—the risk-taker of the zodiac—may have been prodding you to act more quickly than you’ve been comfortable with. But this impulsive behavior wasn’t without its perks.

You might have been shoved more in the public eye or made some difficult shifts in your life or relationships. As Jupiter decamps to Scorpio and your second house of security and money until November 8, 2018, you can sift through those experiences, find the nuggets of gold—i.e., lessons you’ve learned—and lay a new, more solid financial foundation.

Focus on your dreams, set intentions and start to manifest them because you’ve got a cosmic tailwind at your back. What are your goals—a soul-satisfying new job (or just a super-well-paying one?), launching your own brand, saving enough for a new car or dream vacation?

Since Jupiter rules education, you might consider adding bringing your skills up to date by taking some workshops, webinars or formal classes. When it comes to your hard-earned cash, stay mindful. What good is making more if you burn it as fast as you earn it?



It’s gonna be all Scorpio, all the time when the celestial highlight of the decade comes beaming your way! Auspicious Jupiter launches into Scorpio, rocketing you into orbit.

After a sleepy year-plus in gentle Libra and your introspective twelfth house, the larger-than-life planet returns to your sign for the first time since November 2006.

Starting this week, you are officially on notice that dreams can no longer be deferred—and anything and everything you’ve been hoping to accomplish in your life is now on the table. Personal growth? Bucket-list travel experiences? Fame and fortune? Bring it! This rare transit is not something you want to ignore.

Between now and November 8, 2018, you are invited—make that required—to shake up your life, shuck off any limitations or self-doubt and start taking steps toward becoming the person you want to be.

Bear in mind that Jupiter offers the possibility and holds the door open, but you’ve got to do the heavy lifting, Scorpio—and also take the gamble to walk through that portal when the gifts arrive instead of suspiciously deliberating.

While Jupiter transits certainly bring chances and connections and inspiration, you need to face your fears, take some risks and put yourself out there.

Artists, musicians, and performers should literally take the stage and show the world your stuff. Writers scribe away! No matter what your art, craft or superpower, this is the year to own it and pursue your bliss. No more shape-shifting or making too many sacrifices for other people.

Put yourself first and give your passions top billing. Jupiter’s energy is generous, though, so even as you’re advancing your own mission, you’ll realize it’s not a zero-sum game and that the more you help and give to others—not out of a sense of obligation but love—the more you gain in return.



How does a personal retreat or spiritual sabbatical sound? After a hectic and fun-filled (if not overwhelming) year of hosting your ruler, exuberant Jupiter, in your eleventh house of friends, groups and social activism, you’re probably ready for a long winter’s nap (even if it’s still autumn).

Hand your social director’s cap and whistle to someone else. You may be running on fumes at this stage of the game, Archer, and it’s time to recharge your batteries to prepare for a larger-than-life cycle that will begin once Jupiter enters your sign on November 8, 2018, and turns the spotlight—and all the house lights—on you.

But until then, chill!  Jupiter leaves Libra and your super-social eleventh house and downshifts into Scorpio and your restful, mystical twelfth house. But you won’t be living like a monk or in solitary confinement, Sag.

Your expansive, adventurous ruler IS the zodiac’s voyager, and although it will now be sailing through your private twelfth house, the journey will be inward, and one of the major themes will be, “In order to grow, you must let go.”

Are you hanging on to an unfulfilling relationship, still buying into some limiting beliefs, or struggling to overcome a self-destructive habit or addiction?

During this transit, you might choose to work with a healer, therapist or coach to guide and support you through this process. Boundaries are your new keyword—and the people in your life who are used to taking advantage of your kindness or expecting you to be excessively understanding while THEY act out will be in for a surprise when you set a limit with them, or possibly cut ties.

You may decide to get serious about a meditation practice or going deeper in your spiritual practice. Paradoxically, you may discover that to truly get ahead, you have to stand still.

Stop trying to “force” evolution and allow your own guides or the universe to show YOU the way. This transitional phase won’t come around for another 12.5 years, and if you do the necessary work now, you’ll be poised for epic changes when Jupiter launches into your sign in a year.



There’s nothing wrong with pouring your heart and soul into your career—that’s pretty much the Capricorn M.O.—but remember, no man/woman (or Goat) is an island. Over the past few months, you may have felt like a solitary player as expansive Jupiter marched through Libra and your tenth house of career ambition and success.

You might have felt pressure to step up your game or push yourself to make the most of the opportunities that presented themselves.  Jupiter plunges into Scorpio, powering up your eleventh house of group activity, teamwork, and technology until November 8, 2018.

You’re ready to STOP burning the midnight oil, being a slave to deadlines and believing that you have to shoulder all the responsibility yourself. Stretch out and find synergies among friends, colleagues and kindred spirits both online and IRL.

Your self-determined sign doesn’t mind going it alone, but over the coming months, you may discover that you enjoy working with a group and that the collective brainpower of a team can pull off projects more easily and creatively.

This doesn’t only relate to your professional life, either. You may finally have time to join an organization or do some humanitarian or personal-growth work that will be rewarding in a more holistic way.

Since Jupiter is the adventurer of the zodiac, you might find yourself signing up for challenging and exciting new adventures—a travel ski club or rock climbing lessons, perhaps.

Since the eleventh house rules all things digital, you may enjoy exploring new “virtual” opportunities, whether your own podcast, YouTube channel or e-commerce site. The coming year could also be the perfect time to expand into online sales or find brand-extension opportunities, like webinars or downloadable products.

Be selective about the people you partner up with. This is a rare cycle—it only comes around every 12.5 years—and you want to be smart and savvy about whom you work with, especially since they represent you!



It’s time to shift out of cruise control and hit the wide-open road toward fulfillment. Jupiter, the planet of luck, growth, and adventure, sets its compass for Scorpio and your tenth house of career ambition and success.

Seeds you’ve been planting for a while now—some as far back as several years ago—will start to sprout or, if they’ve already broken through the dirt, will grow like they’ve been hit with Grade A, organic fertilizer.

Jupiter only visits this part of your chart every 12.5 years, and from now until November 8, 2018, you’re being invited—urged!—to take some leaps of faith, bold steps and put your grandest plans in motion. In the course of this professional power surge, don’t worry who’s “above” or “below” you, and whatever you do, don’t even think about apologizing for pursuing your own personal goals.

Part of your egalitarian sign’s charm is your concern for everyone’s well-being. When you fulfill your destiny and feel good about your accomplishments, you’ll be better able to lend a helping hand and guide others on their journey.

Whether you want to launch your own business, start saving for big-ticket purchases or have your sights set on the corner office, Jupiter’s boundless beams will inspire you to hone your skills and develop your talent. The tenth house also rules your reputation and public image.

Since you’ll probably be more visible than before, make sure you look the part. If you need a wardrobe update or “hair and makeup” makeover, turn to stylish, camera-comfortable friends or hire a pro to add a high-pro glow.

You want to feel secure in your enhanced leadership role. The tenth house is also associated with all things masculine, so the Goodfellas in your life could play starring roles in your breakout year.



Your co-ruler, optimistic Jupiter, blazes into Scorpio and your ninth house of adventure, travel and immense growth, luring you out of hiding Like it or not,  your world is about to get a whole lot bigger, louder, faster and more exciting.

If you’re willing to take some chances and go along for the ride, this rare Jupiter phase can hurtle you into a whole new level of success.

Jupiter hasn’t visited this sector of your chart in nearly 13 years. Starting this week, you may feel willing to try new things—which will intensify over the coming months as confidence begets MORE confidence!

The ninth house may loosen your lips, too, inspiring you to actually articulate what’s on your mind and in your heart. How liberating is THAT, not worrying about censoring yourself or being censored by others!

Jupiter ’s jog through this self-motivated realm is a boon for entrepreneurial and media-savvy Pisces. Freelancers will have opportunities in the coming year to expand your client roster. But don’t wait for people to randomly find you through LinkedIn or other professional avenues.

Tap the expansive energy of the ninth house and reach out to clients you’d like to work with. If you’re not unhappy at your current gig but would like to work more independently, become more “intrapreneurial” and propose a new initiative that can give you that freedom. What areas has your company been looking to branch out into?

Make it your business in the next few months to come up with an offer they can’t refuse. You may need to update your own skill set with advanced training, but ultimately that will only be a good thing for you!





Source: mysticalraven


  1. Thomasfut May 14, 2024

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