What Is A Stellium In Astrology? Here’s Why It Has Such A Strong Influence On Your Personality


Have you ever met someone who completely embodies a certain zodiac sign? In my opinion, it’s pretty rare. This is because everyone’s natal chart is filled with so many intricate and mysterious layers that it’s not uncommon for other planets or aspects to overpower each other. Because this guarantees that we’re all unique and that we’re all so much more than our sun sign, it almost makes it rare when someone just so happens to fit all the stereotypes of one zodiac sign. Luckily, it all makes sense when you find out what a stellium is in astrology. If you’ve ever met someone with a strong personality, chances are, they were born with a stellium.

You know how Aries are famous for being competitive, impulsive, passionate, and daring? You’d think you’d be able to spot an Aries from a mile away. However, I’m close to lots of people born with their sun in Aries, and they’re not always like this. Since so many of them are born with placements in Pisces and Taurus, it can take their Mars-ruled intensity down a notch.

Then, I met someone who’s the spitting image of every Aries description you could possibly imagine. She takes board games way too seriously and she says the first thing that comes to mind without thinking.

She’s always in the mood to debate and she never fails to hand out some majorly enthusiastic compliments. Not only was I not shocked to find out she was an Aries, I was even less surprised to see she had a stellium in Aries.

What Constitutes A Stellium in Astrology?

In essence, a stellium occurs when you’ve got a collection of the same type of energy within your birth chart. This is when you have three or more planets in one specific zodiac sign or astrological house.

Some astrologers argue that a stellium takes at least four planets in the same sign or house, but I personally find that three planets will definitely create the effect of a stellium. I mean, that’s three whole planets! This stellium is inevitably made more intense if it involves the inner planets (the sun, moon, Mercury, Venus, or Mars).

How does a stellium effect your personality? Well, it makes certain qualities, characteristics, and themes in your life more apparent than others. It makes your personality a lot stronger in some ways and possibly even more defined. In fact, a stellium is so major that it can potentially subdue the power of your sun sign — that is, of course, if your sun sign is not involved in your stellium.

For example: If you have a stellium in Scorpio but you were born with your sun in Libra, you may find that you’re a lot more introverted, emotional, and fascinated by all things macabre and taboo than your average Libra.

In Your Birth Chart, Is A Stellium An Obstacle or A Strength?

If you’ve calculated your birth chart and discovered that you, too, have a stellium, congratulations. That is wicked cool and certainly something to be proud of, because a stellium isn’t exactly something you could call “common.” With a stellium, you’ve got an intense concentration of one zodiac sign or astrological house, and right now, you’re probably thinking: “That explains a lot.”

But, if we’re being honest, you might feel bittersweet towards this stellium because chances are, it’s made your life as difficult as it has made it exciting. I mean, when you’ve got too many things situated on one side of a boat, doesn’t it tend to tip sideways? Without practicing balance or self-improvement, a stellium can weigh you down instead of lift you up. And believe me, a stellium can definitely lift you up.

Look at it this way: I have a stellium in the 11th house of friends that involves my sun, Mercury, and Venus. Trust me, it is a conundrum. Throughout my life, I’ve worried so much about being accepted by others that it’s caused me to insulate myself out of fear of disappointment or rejection.

On the other hand, the best moments in my life have always been when I’m surrounded by likeminded individuals that I’ve been able to bring together and truly connect with. What my stellium shows me is that a community is my strength, but it can also be my weakness if I obsess over it too much.

If you’ve got a stellium, I bet you can relate. It’s all about learning how to embrace the strength of your stellium instead of falling prey to its heavy-handedness.


This was originally published by Elite Daily.


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