September 16… Full Harvest Moon In Pisces And Lunar Eclipse! A Time To Harvest Love

September 16... Full Harvest Moon In Pisces And Lunar Eclipse! A Time To Harvest Love

There have been so many celestial movements these weeks, to which correspond many impulses that many of us feel in wanting to follow a stream of change that has already started heavily. The first strong move occurred on September 10 and it was the passage of Jupiter in Libra, transit that will last until October 2017. This corresponds to a general relaxation and greater peace of mind because it ends the inner tension between the desire to be daring and fear, that too much caution and prudence have created. 

The other phenomenon is the powerful Lunar Eclipse in Pisces during the Full Moon of Sept. 16. So here we are at the exit of the corridor of the September eclipse. The route began the First of the month, with the New Moon in Virgo and the Solar Eclipse. The impulse that arrived was focused on the need to clean up, letting go, getting to a centering point where the surplus was to be eliminated for not disperse. The call was to align the heart with the mind, which is the process by which we become conscious of being the masters of our life, if lived with the confidence of being a spark of the Divine.

This Full Moon confronts us with the opportunity to reconcile two energies in apparent conflict (Virgo and Pisces), restoring them to their original unity and complementarity.

Virgo’s perspective covers the infinitesimal kingdoms, limited to individual portions of sets, while Pisces embrace the immeasurable, all. Virgo exercises competence, analysis, accuracy, discrimination and deals with the tangible aspects of life. Pisces is idealistic, vague, dreamers, visionaries, seemingly illogical.


This Is How The Full Moon In Pisces Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

This Is How The Full Moon In Pisces Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

ARIES – time to open up to new opportunities. Within you the old situations are no longer able to contain the pressure you feel to live a full life without limits. You know that you do not need to justify yourself because what you are is the result of the care and love you have put recently to be understood and respected.

TAURUS – you are called to confront the outside world. The couple wants your attention because it is the time to accept the other as it is, seeing the beauty even in small things. It is not easy, but it is an immense act of love. And from the position of strength that you cover now you can do it.

GEMINI – your horizons are finally expanding. The summer was complex, intense, tiring. You have gone further in many fronts, almost forced to do so. But it was worth it because you came out of it very rich. Now you can put to use the lessons of real life, which are the real because they are linked to the world of the senses and not the mind.

CANCER – the growth and change where you find yourself since 2009, has come halfway and leads you along paths of great discovery, until around 2023. Do not save yourself anything, you are within the experience and live with both hands, deeply. It can become a very long time and very uplifting of pure enthusiasm.

LEO – the road that has recently opened in front of you is becoming increasingly clear. It becomes increasingly clear how to move(what to do) to change the old situation, although you will notice that life is already following its own movement, thanks to the subtle energies that it has as a design prepared by a superior wisdom

VIRGO – you are on the stage of life where you can now do the change. Try to understand how important and delicate is this moment to continue on your path of transformation that has been going on for some time. Rather than suffer you can now become your change.

LIBRA –  Be prepared with a good project, so as to exploit the development energies that can take you far. Put pen to paper and let it do the events, trusting of what is given to you.

SCORPIO – this time brings you a sense of the deep past redemption. You will get back all the fruits of the sown projects last year. Put away pride and pick handfuls, expressing gratitude as much as possible, because being grateful is a feeling that creates abundance and multiplies the substance.

SAGITTARIUS – extremely intense period of personal and professional growth. You are reaching larger goals that exceed even the most optimistic expectations that you had never dared to imagine. This is only the beginning. Carefully plan out the next few months, so as to address the commitments with as much ease as possible.

CAPRICORN – week starts with a crescendo of very intense emotions. Intuition becomes strong and suggests solutions that lead you to a better understanding of things that until now you were not able to focus. There is also a feeling of tenderness and compassion that makes its way into your heart and so sweeten your life in the coming days.

AQUARIUS – new flowery notes flow from the depths of the soul. You feel like you inspire to fall in love, get lost in dreams, forgetting the mechanical nature of the everyday. You could take a few days off from routine to expand the visions of other fantastic worlds that invade your eyes. Dream and nourish the stars of the plasma.

PISCES – Full Moon and Eclipse in the sign enter into a period of great commotion, confusion, change and purification. A few more days and the intensity decreases and you will come down from the carousel. By placing the feet on the ground you will find where you are landed, a new continent to be explored with the bold courage of a healthy person.




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