Expect the Unexpected As the Uranus Retrograde Is Going to Take Place In Aries

Uranus is currently retrograding and has been retrograding for quite some time now but something big is about to happen. While this retrograde doesn’t come to an end until January 6th of 2019, it is about to move from Taurus into Aries.


Uranus will be making its way into Aries on November 6th and there it will bring forth radical changes. You are about to be feeling as if you are on the verge of a breakthrough once this transition is made and begin uncovering the solution to all problems before you.

While we knew what to expect from Uranus in Taurus, Uranus in Aries is a completely different ballpark.

You will not be feeling this retrograde as intensely as you might others but it will still be quite present in your life. During this time you should work to face your fears and overcome anything that no longer serves you as there will be a sense of strength radiating from within your being.

Uranus is a planet that pushes us all to really get real and get out there. Aries being so determined and hard work oriented is going to amplify these things in more ways than you might imagine.





That being said, tensions will rise during this time period. You might be questioning your relationships in ways that should not be happening. For every boundary that you push there is a consequence.

Tensions will be rising and you might be feeling a bit flighty, try to work through that or at least think before you jump.



From November 6th until the end of this retrograde you are going to really feel like things need to change and that could bring you anywhere. Doing your best to express yourself and taking the lead will make a huge difference in your life.

When Uranus tours Aries we all feel an energetic charge. We have this urge to get back to who we truly are.

For more information on what this ordeal might hold for you please check out the video below. While it might not seem like much it will feel enormous. Be as authentic as possible and take these energies to heart. What inner passion will this retrograde spark within you?


Source : awarenessact


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