Full Moon in Sagittarius 9 June 2017 – Bringing Intensity, Transformation and Optimism

Full Moon in Sagittarius 9 June 2017 – Bringing Intensity, Transformation and OptimismThe June Full Moon falls on the 9th in the fire sign of Sagittarius, bringing intensity, transformation and optimism.

Sagittarius energy is wise and expansive. Whenever the Full Moon is in Sagittarius it amplifies our thoughts and feelings and brings more information to the surface.

It’s almost like this Full Moon is going to give us a magnifying glass so we can see in greater detail what is working and not working in our lives.

After this Full Moon, there is going to be a lot more clarity about what changes or adjustments need to be made and consequently there will be a peace that will follow.


The June Full Moon has an intense energy due to the presence of the planet Saturn, which is also currently touring the sign of Sagittarius.

Saturn is like the stern teacher of the cosmos and is always ensuring that we have done our homework and understood the karmic lessons that we have been sent to learn.

The Moon and Saturn will be working together to deliver any karmic messages and healing that we need in order to walk our highest path.

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There is a transition or a shift that we all need to make in 2017 in order to align with our highest path and these two cosmic forces will be helping us all to achieve this.


2017 is a year of new beginnings and as we reach the midway point of the year, things are going to be speeding up to help us get started on this new chapter of our lives.

June’s Full Moon also falls between two Super New Moons, which means that endings are also likely to occur.

Full Moons often signify a time of completion and there may be something you are wrapping up or completing in your own life so you can start fresh.

The power of the upcoming Super New Moon later in the month will help you to know the right direction moving forward, but in the meantime it is important to focus on completion.


We have all worked so hard to achieve our goals over the last few months and this Full Moon is also a cause to celebrate and to honor all that we have been through.

Because Saturn is involved in this Full Moon, there is also going to be a need for us to really understand the karmic lessons at play so we can move on and move forward.

Whatever stirs for you around this Full Moon, know that it is part of your karmic journey and part of what your soul has come here to learn.

Recommended: 5 Ways To Use The Strong Energy Of The Full Moon ( Two Days Before And After It)

We are all here on a temporary journey of joy and growth, and it is important for all of us to keep finding the joy as we grow and evolve.


This Full Moon has a mixed energy, on one hand it is guiding us to go through some intense karmic lessons so we can heal and keep evolving on a spiritual level, but on the other hand it is also very optimistic and healing.

The June Full Moon is not just about delivering karmic lessons, but rather it is about delivering us peace and understanding so we can see the higher benefit of the lesson.

While the June Full Moon will be guiding us to shift and transform so we can start a new beginning, it will also be filling our lives with positive, expansive and optimistic energy.

The June Full Moon is potent, yet loving and will be there to guide you through the next few weeks so you can clear the past and welcome in a bright new future.

Recommended: What it Means When Your Birthday Falls on the New Moon or Full Moon

The trick with navigating this Full Moon is to focus on finding the joy and keeping and open mind. The more you can view things from an optimistic and open point of view, the easier it is going to be to understand what you have come to learn.

While life is about learning and evolving it is also about finding the joy, as the poet Hafiz says- “stay close to anything that makes you glad you are alive.”


Author: Tanaaz Chubb On: foreverconscious.com


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