Here Is How The Gemini Full Moon Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

The November 23rd Full Moon takes place in the sign of Gemini, and is going to cause a lot of us some serious frustration.

This intense moon is also influenced by the planetary aspect Mars square Jupiter. This can make you feel strong, brave and passionate, but also angry and frustrated. There is a danger though- impulsive and reckless actions could lead to accidents or injuries.

The November 2018 full moon crosses through the magical Pleiades, but also increases the risk of losing your temper and becoming cruel and ruthless. The keys to avoiding pain, loss and sorrow are patience and forethought. While irritation and frustration may prove difficult to avoid, you can release the temperamental full moon energy safely using self-control and moderation.

A Mars/Jupiter square is about big actions – bold, exaggerated, optimistic, risky. Even more so because Jupiter is at full strength in the sign it rules, and Mars is in fluid Pisces (no boundaries). There’s a sense of a massive push that can result in things going much further than anticipated. Mars in Pisces can drift into strange, distant waters.

Gemini is the sign of multiple choices and information, so this culmination may feature a flurry of options and words. You may feel pushed or rushed to choose/speak out, but Mercury (ruler of this Moon) is retrograde right now in Sagittarius. This means the details of the story will have to be carefully examined. You’ll want to run faster/accelerate further, but the information will be in flux. And you may even be returning to something from the past.

Turns out, the full moon and the retrograde happening at the same time could be a blessing in disguise. However, because Mercury is also going into the year’s final retrograde the same time as the Full Moon, the effects of the moon might be slightly reduced. With two different forces working against each other, the celestial bodies are basically doing a theatrical performance of what our every day lives will feel like.

It’s a difficult Moon due to the contrasting energies – bold, enthusiastic, dreamy actions/decisions versus the need to think twice and ask questions.

Best advice is slow down if you can. Look very carefully at the choices in front of you, before you leap. There may be a grand opportunity, but there’s a risk of missing a key detail or acting before you know the full story. Remember that things can change once Mercury stations direct (December 6th, 2018).

So what’s the antidote here? Control. Do your best to exert it over yourself — think before you speak or act, check in with and dissect your feelings regularly, and make sure you’re healthily expressing your frustrations and not just repressing them, otherwise you’ll risk them blowing out on someone in a fiery rage later. Way worse. To boot, Gemini’s quick-moving energy can make us feel super distracted, so you’re going to have to try extra hard to focus on self-control. Do your yoga breaths and diffuse that lavender oil, moon babies, cause we’re going to need to find our chill.




Here Is How The Gemini Full Moon Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign:


Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Keep it positive, Aries, because even though your ruling planet Mars is wreaking a lil’ bit of havoc on everyone’s temper during this moon, you’re actually in a great position to connect with and boost up others.

“The rams idealistic views will help them build strong relationships with others under this luminary,” shares Stardust. Just keep being yourself, allow yourself to cheer up those who are having a super rough moon, and don’t let Mercury’s retrograde trip you up too much communication-wise.




Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Ahhh, the sweet release that can come hand-in-hand with a full moon feels good, doesn’t it, Taurus? “A financial situation will come to an end, allowing the Bull more money to fill up their bank account and more freedom to pursue their dreams,” explains Stardust to Bustle.

With Venus, your ruling planet, having just stationed direct after its pesky retrograde, you’ll definitely feel an influx of forward-moving energy in the money department, which your luxury-lovin’ self will more than enjoy.




Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Gemini, this moon is yours, and you know it — so don’t be afraid to own it and seize the opportunity for growth. “Gemini is going to be thinking about everything they can do to satisfy themselves,” tells Rosenbohm to Bustle. “[The moon is full in Gemini] at 0 degrees, so it’s extremely fresh energy to change and heal the ego.”

Use this newfound determination to channel the moon’s energy and embrace growth toward your highest self. It’s your time to do some self-care on the outside and inside, and shed those old skins to make room for new parts of yourself.




Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

As a sensi water baby ruled by the moon herself, you can bet you’re going to be feeling this luminary, Cancer — and don’t be afraid if you notice some old skeletons floating to the surface. All that means is you have easier access to them when it comes to cleaning them up. “Cancer, the Gemini full moon will bring your secrets and mysteries to the forefront, as well as give you a heightened sense of intuition,” shares Orion.

“Pay attention to your dreams at this time, as they may contain messages and revelations.” Keep a journal next to your bed and make sure to write down your dreams on the nights leading up to and following this moon, and look for any symbols or messages.




Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22)

We’re all trying to sort out what we want to do with our lives, but this full moon is calling you to examine your career path and purpose, Leo — and you’ll want to strike while the inspiration iron is hot. “For Leo, it will become clear what track they want to take for their career,” explains Rosenbohm.

“[I]t’s really easy for Leo to see what they want to be known for, and it will definitely help [them] to talk to their family about it, it they really want to narrow a career path down.” If you’re getting together with the fam for the Thanksgiving holiday, seek some loving advice on your next steps. It might be more helpful than you’d even guess.




Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22)

If you’ve felt a bit clouded with confusion when it comes to what your future looks like, this full moon may actually offer some of the guidance you’ve been seeking. “Perhaps you’ve been waiting to spread your wings, widen your circle, or even enhance your studies, but have felt a roadblock,” Orion tells Bustle. “This Gemini full moon will help provide direction and clarity for the next steps in your journey.”

Allow this Gemini moon’s fluttering energy to keep you from getting too attached to any one detail, allowing your focus to flow from one possibility to the next.



Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22)

You’re blessed with skills of social diplomacy, Libra, but the sometimes-gossipy Gemini energy of this moon may get you and the people around you a little caught up in drama. “The rumor mill may have tipped the Libras scales recently,” explains Stardust.

“However, they will take the high road and squash any issues with those who spread gossip in the first place.” If there’s anything a Libra hates, it’s injustice and conflict, so keep your chill and do your best to smooth things over gracefully.




Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21)

You hangin’ in there, Scorpio? The sun just left your territory, and this moon is bringing to light all the seeds that were planted during your sign’s recent new moon a couple weeks ago, so you may be extra introspective.

“This luminary serves as a time to reflect and heal the past,” explains Stardust. “Through inner transformative energy, it’s possible now for Scorpios to evolve and become the person they always dreamt they could be — as long as they remember, the power is lies within them.”




Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21)

Feeling the madness of this moon much, Sag? The sun is in your sign, so you’re definitely on your vibe right now, but the frenetic energy of this Gemini moon may leave your usually-focused thoughts pretty scattered. “Sagittarius will be internally stirring a lot, losing sleep, while thinking about their feelings for others,” says Rosenbohm.

With Mercury retrograding, we’re all feeling the results of miscommunications. Put your thinking cap on and use this energy to help heal any partnership-related issues that are standing out to you during this moon.




Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19)

This moon’s a heavy one for many of us, but you’re actually going to find some deep connections and resolutions to a bunch of eighth house issues that may have been in the back of your mind lately. “The Gemini full moon will likely bring you answers and resolutions on themes related to death and rebirth, inheritance and handling of other people’s money (such as taxes), sexual explorations, or even bring your enemies out of the shadows and into the forefront,” explains Orion.

“Remember that knowledge is always a blessing, and your psychic prowess will likely be heightened at this time.” Embrace your shadows, trust your intuition, and allow for this regeneration to take place so you can emerge totally fresh.




Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18)

Always a wildcard, aren’t you, Aqua? This luminary is actually bringing you hella good vibes in the name of love — and with Venus’ retrograde period having just come to an end, you can officially turn your love and dating switch back to on.

“Romance is in the air for Aquarius,” advises Stardust. “All Aquariuses should go out and hop on Tinder or Grinder to meet a hot new beau!” Pump yourself up with full moon energy and get on it.




Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20)

If you’re spending the Thanksgiving holiday with any group of people you consider to be family, then you’re doing this full moon right, Pisces. “Pisces will be connecting more to their roots and family, opting to spend more time focusing on their personal life, rather than work under this luminary,” Stardust tells Bustle.

You’re always deep in your feels, but really trust your intuition during this luminary, as you need a break from your grind to surround yourself with the people you love and feel their support.



Source : mindactivist


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