Mercury Goes Retrograde April 9th Until May 3d – Pay Attention to the Messages You Will Be Receiving

Mercury Retrograde April-May 2017

Since the start of the astrological year on March 25th, we have all been encouraged to forge ahead and to lay down the path for the year to come.

The Sun in Aries has also been supporting this, providing all of us with the motivation and inspiration we need to take action.

Aries is a sign of leadership and perhaps we have all been guided to step up and become leaders of our own lives in some way.

As we approach April 9 however, the Universe will be cautioning us to slow down. While we will still be supported to move ahead, the Universe will want to make sure that we are heading in the highest and best possible direction.

To help us determine this, Mercury will go retrograde on April 9th until May 3rd.

During this time period, Mercury will travel from earthy Taurus back into fiery Aries. It will take until May 20th for Mercury to return to his original spot in Taurus and resume full potential.

Many people fear Mercury Retrograde, believing that this little planet is responsible for communication breakdowns, delays and technical difficulties. While Mercury influences all of these things, if he causes delays or issues, he often has a very good reason.

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Mercury is the messenger of the Gods, and if he causes any delays or issues in your life, it could be because he has a message for you.

It is very important to pay attention while Mercury is retrograde, as you don’t want to miss the helpful messages that the Gods may be trying to deliver to you.

If you do notice typical Mercurial issues, take a moment to pause, reflect and see if perhaps it could be a sign that you need to change directions or look at things differently.

With the energy of the new year still in full bloom, this April 2017 retrograde will be mainly focused on grounding and creating a secure foundation so you can move forward with ease and confidence.

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When Mercury slows down in April, we are all going to be guided to go within and work out what is really important to us and why we want to take the path that we have chosen.

This Mercury retrograde is also heavily focused around career and money.

If either of these things have been an issue for you, Mercury will allow you to finally bring the truth to the surface.

Mercury will allow you to see clearly what is blocking your way and how you can get your career or financial situation into better shape.

While in retrograde, Mercury will be guiding you to take ownership of what you really want in regards to your career. This energy will help you to rework your goals, dreams and wishes so you are more aligned with your highest truth.

If money has been an issue, Mercury is going to be supporting you to get things in order. Perhaps you will be encouraged to think about your finances and to take more responsibility in regards to your relationship with money.

The Universe is always providing for us and there is enough abundance for all, the trick is to learn how to create space to welcome in this abundance.

If you view money as an energy exchange, it may help you to think about ways you can create more space for money to flow in and money to flow out.

While Mercury is in retrograde, it is not a good time to make long-term decisions.

However it is a good time to think about long-term decisions, especially regarding finances and your career.

The Universe is simply calling on us to go slow and to consider things a bit more cautiously before ploughing ahead.

Along with Mercury retrograde, we also have Venus in retrograde. This is definitely an interesting combination of energy and may make communicating in relationships and with others more challenging than it needs to be.

Be mindful of this when connecting with others, but also don’t hold back if you feel compelled to talk or share.

Recommended: Full Pink Moon in Libra, 11 April 2017 – The Universe is Going to Offer You a Gift

Venus retrograde energy is helping to awaken the heart chakra, whereas Mercury retrograde energy is helping to awaken the throat chakra. Speak your truth but ensure that it comes from the place of the heart.

The April-May 2017 Mercury retrograde is nothing to fear, it is simply a time of reflection and a time to pull up the weeds that are blocking you from seeing and communicating your truth.


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By: Tanaaz Chubb On:


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