Record Number of Positive Astrological Events this September

Record-Number-of-Positive-Astrological-Events-this-September.jpgIf you are tired of all of the retrogrades, eclipses, and other difficult astrological events you can breathe easy. All of them end this September 2018.

This month has an unusually high number of positive planetary events, which will bring loads of abundance into your life. To stay prepared for catching your part of this manifesting energy, learn about the following dates and what each of them brings you.

The main aspect of this month is a good financial abundance: receiving wealth, leading an abundant lifestyle, and having an abundance mindset.


September 6th: Letting Go of Stress

Saturn, which has been retrograde all summer, is finally going direct. It taught you tough lessons and made you a stronger and better version of yourself. The lessons are over, and your former obstacles should never slow you down again in the future.

On the same day, Mercury enters the sign of Virgo, which will feel liberating and joyful. Mercury focuses on the mind and can feel stressful and sometimes dramatic. At this time, it will feel the very opposite—peaceful and drama-free.

Your mind will become clear, and you will know exactly what you are doing and what to focus on right now—maybe for the first time in a long while.


September 7th: Alice In Wonderland Time

On September 7th, the Sun is opposite Neptune in the sign of Pisces. This is called the ‘Alice in Wonderland’ transition. The sun represents your ego, and at this time, the image of your ego becomes blurry and uncertain.

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This allows you to play around with who you are, drop the attachments to who you have been, and try to become another version of you. If you are open to it, and willing to let go of the fear, this time can transform you.


September 8th and Later: Relationships Transformation

When Venus and Mars are square, it is like two soulmate lovers coming together; the divine feminine and divine masculine meet and join in a passionate embrace.

This energy will bring strong sexual energy and transformational changes in relationships. From September 8th and until the end of the fall season, you can expect to find or get closer to a truly authentic love.


September 9th: New Moon Of Opportunities

Every new moon is a new start of the manifestation cycle, and this one in particular is full of manifestation energy. If you are looking for new opportunities and ways to improve your life, this new moon is bringing it all straight to your door.


September 10th: Knowledge of Your Recent Lessons

Mars will enter Aquarius, and with this change, it will finally be clear to you what kind of growth it brought to you this summer. Spending most of the season in retrograde, Mars retrograde is one of the more channeling ones.

Mars is driven by action, and its retrograde can push and pull you in different directions leaving you unsatisfied and frazzled. There is a lesson for you in it, however, and only now will you truly understand what it meant for you personally.


September 12th: A Different View on Love

When Venus stands opposite Uranus, your view on love and relationships will completely change. This transition will last until December—much longer than usual.

 It will give you a chance to reassess what you are looking for in a partnership, and find what makes a relationship meaningful. It will also provide clarity to your previous experiences, how they ended and why.



September 13th: Take Control Over Your Thoughts

You may think that all of your thought is yours—but are they? Your mind receives thousands of messages every day, and most are processed and sorted by your mind unconsciously.

After a while, some of these messages will sneak into your mind, and you may think that they are yours. When Mercury is opposite Neptune, you will gain new awareness about which messages you are accepting into your mind and be mindful of incorporating them into your belief system—or rejecting them.

September 22nd: Time To Make Decisions

Mercury enters Libra, and while often indecisive, Mercury makes it the decision-making time. In the next couple of weeks, you will have the best chance of making quick, easy, and correct decisions, as well as have an opportunity to work productively with others.


September 22nd: The Fall Equinox

This is the day when the daylight and night hours are identical in length. It is the time to honor and say thank you to the harvest, both literal and metaphorical.

Recommended: Venus Is Throwing Serious Shade This Month: What Each Sign Should Do to Stay Safe

What have you gained and manifested in these last six months? Being grateful for what you received will bring and multiply more great things into your life.


September 25th: The Full Harvest Moon

This month’s full moon is called the harvest moon because it is the closest to the fall equinox. The surrounding planetary energies this time around have to do with letting go of old fears, from overcoming depression to childhood traumas and other obstacles in life.

Mars and Uranus will provide the courage you need to defeat all of them and take the leap you were looking for towards fearless, thriving freedom!


September 30th: Transformation Complete

The last day of September has aligned with the day that Pluto goes direct. Pluto is the planet of deep personal work and liberation, and now it has been complete—just in time for October’s even deeper transformation.


Source: spiritsciencecentral


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