Your Love Life Will Be Retrograde Free This 2019, Thanks To Mars And Venus


This is a wonderful year for love! Not only is Jupiter’s recent move into Sagittarius giving your heart a jolt of optimism, but the two planets that drive your love life, Mars and Venus, will NOT be turning retrograde in 2019.

Normally, there are several weeks out of the year when at least one of these planets travels backward, causing us to find ourselves in a tragic love funk. We don’t connect with our partners, we question the entire relationship, or we may even call up an ex despite the fact that their contact name has been changed to “Don’t Do It.”

This year, the universe is giving our hearts a break — and an opportunity to make progress in your love life. Whether you’ve been with your sweetheart for 30 years or are still in the honeymoon stage, you can expect fun and adventurous things to happen in your relationship in 2019.

When Venus is retrograde, we tend to think long and hard about our past relationships and the people in them. It wouldn’t be out of the ordinary to reach out to an ex and try to reconnect — or for them to reach out to you.

Sometimes this can bring you closure and actually help your new relationship grow. But normally, this only leads to trouble and can diminish the trust and progress between you and your partner.

Thankfully, with Venus stationed direct all year, the urge to rekindle an old flame will be seriously dampened! You’ll have a chance to soak up all your lover’s attention without any ex drama getting in your way. The past is in the past, and the future is bright for you and your partner.

We have your extended love horoscope for this wonderful year of Venus and Mars direct. Enjoy!

ARIES (March 21 – April 19)

Aries, the 7th house of the zodiac is your love and relationship space, but it’s also the place that marks career, networking and business opportunities.

If you started a new relationship or just met someone, gradually over the next year and throughout 2019, you will learn what your heart really wants to encounter in a loving relationship.

There can be a type of lifting of the veil, so to speak, and you will see areas of your life where you may have compromised for the sake of survival, or have accepted less than you deserved because you didn’t really know any better.

This is a great time to reset your standards and to also be honest and forthright in the area of love. Say what you mean and mean what you say is a great rule of thumb for this time.

TAURUS (April 20 – May 20)

Taurus, Venus becomes direct and visible in the area of your work and also your health. If you work in the health care industry or wanted to start a health and wellness business, this can be a time of prosperity and growth. You may see partnerships that went wrong start to improve.

You will start to feel better, too. You may start to feel as though you have air to breathe and new vitality. This is a wonderful time to think about areas of self care. Take time to meditate. Write. Think about the things you want to do in 2019 and start moving towards more balance and clarity in the area of work and health.

GEMINI (May 21 – June 20)

Gemini, when Venus turns direct and becomes visible in you romance and happiness. If there were some hardships you’ve endured in the area of love and romance, you will start to see improvements.

Things can start to feel more like they used to do, or you may start to think with greater clarity and less bothered by circumstances that you can’t control. You may find that you are more open to exploring the world in a new way.

You may be invited to more activities and parties. Venus is associated to the element of air, so the natural talents you possess that are often expressed in your ability to move freely can open up for you to use as well. Note, Mercury, your ruling planet goes retrograde in your 7th house so, if you may realize something about a relationship that needs working on but this can come to a happy closure.

CANCER (June 21 – July 22)

Cancer, Venus is visible and direct in your 4th house this brings improvement in the area of family, authority figures, property, and how you engage or feel around people who are related to you.

During Venus retrograde topics related to relocation or a need for distance or space could have come up. There could have been talk that led to disagreements or differences in opinion. Now, that Venus turns direct, those problems can begin to show opportunity for new growth but it may require some additional effort on your part.

LEO (July 23 – August 22)

Leo, Venus now becomes visible and direct in your 3rd house. If you had problems with your car or transportation in general, you may find a new set of wheels or start finding a friend to car pool with. Problems in the area of communication will also start to settle.

You may have a new way of addressing issues that are kinder and considerate.

If you work in the field of writing or media, this can be a time when you start to see improvements in the amount of work that you receive. You may get new clients or find that you meet people who need what you have to offer.

VIRGO (August 23 – September 22)

Virgo, Venus now becomes visible and direct in your 2nd house. You can have new opportunities in the area of finances, possessions and things that you own. You may start deciding to collect items and invest in things that bring beauty into the home.

You may find that you are able to get what you need easier than before. You might have an ability to accumulate money or belongings that have value.

LIBRA (September 23 – October 22)

Libra, Venus now becomes visible and direct in your 1st house. This may mean that you receive more recognition. This can make you stand out from the crowd more. You may find it easier to be heard, find new joy in projects that you work on.

If you have struggled with success in your work related projects, you may start attracting people that can help you to improve, or find a solution that you can implement.

This is a positive time for Libra since Venus turning direct is a type of rebirth of your ruling planet that has symbolic meaning for you. In a sense, this is like a mini-new year for your zodiac sign.

SCORPIO (October 23 – November 21)

Scorpio,​ Venus now becomes visible and direct in your 12th house. You may find this next year to be a true path of intimate discovery. You may have a close relationship that forms and it helps you to rediscover things about yourself.

You may fall in love with someone and take on a lover. You can find that your intimate life feels renewed or restored after a time of not feeling as attractive.

This can also be a time when you find more joy and pleasure in sensual activities that tantalize your senses. From going on long walks, enjoying wine events, cooking and travel…this can be a truly dreamy time for you.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 21)

Sagittarius, Venus turns direct and visible for you in the 11th house. The door opens for you in the area of friendships. You may meet people who have influence and can help you to make your life or work projects more profitable and beautiful.

You can meet people who are truly supportive influences in your life. This can be a time when you are able to clear debts and rebuild an improved structure for your career. You can also find that networking opportunities that open up opportunities to facilitate your goals.

This can also be a time when you are recognized for what it is that you have been working on but could not progress in for one reason or another.

CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 19)

Capricorn, ​Venus turns direct and visible for you in your 10th house. You can see positive things happening for you in your career and in your social status. You may be viewed as more competent and agreeable.

You may internally feel as though some of the work you need to do requires extra focus and attention but this will give you an edge because you’re working harder. You can meet new people that help to elevate your career to a new level.

This can be a wonderful time to collaborate with others and work on art related projects or projects that require group effort.

AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18)

Aquarius, Venus turns direct and visible in your 9th house. This can mean you are able to start new study and find it easier to get through the application process, particularly if you are applying to new schools.

If you have been wanting to travel but haven’t been able to do so, you could potentially find opportunities open for you and you are able to go with ease.

You may meet people from other countries or who have completely different backgrounds than you do that help to enlighten the way you think and feel about foreign topics.

PISCES (February 19 – March 20)

Pisces, Venus turns direct and visible for you in your 8th house and this opens the door to rebirth, fresh starts, and letting go of the past to start something new.

You may not be wiping the slate clean all together, but instead taking a concept and revamping it so that it’s completely different from what you thought it would be. This is also a time when you may have access to shared resources or property.

You might find it easier to borrow things that you need to use. This is also a time when you can see you money matters start to improve as well and where money can come from partners or a refund that you expected but did not get in a timely manner.

This article was originally published by Mystical Raven


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