Taurus Season 2019: Finding Rhythm And Security

taurus season

Taurus Season begins on April 20, 2019, and is extra significant this year due to the fact that Uranus recently made its home in the sign of Taurus.

All through the season, we are going to experience the energy of Taurus and Uranus, and what the two can create together.

Moving into Taurus Season is always significant as it represents the first move of the Sun after the astrological new year.

When the Sun moves into Aries it begins a new year or a new cycle and as it moves out of Aries and into Taurus, we begin to see how things are moving and what flavor this new cycle may bring for us.

Taurus is an earth sign that is all about the material. If we think of Aries as the beginning or the seed, Taurus energy is like the physical surroundings of that seed. It represents the material and physical surroundings that helps or hinders the seed’s ability to grow.

On a deeper level, Taurus energy represents what we need to feel safe and secure. Taurus energy is about finding a rhythm and a constant. It is about finding security in an insecure, always changing world.

Taurus likes order, structure, and routine, and under this energy, we are all going to be encouraged to embrace this mindset a little more.

We are going to be guided to create more order and routine in our lives. We are also going to be guided to assess what we are choosing to surround ourselves with and where we may be over-consuming as a way to fill a void or hide our true feelings.

Under this energy, we need to pay more attention to our physical surroundings and ensure that we are helping support our highest growth.

Take a moment to look around you, what do you see? Do the objects around you inspire confidence, beauty, gratitude, peace, and grace?

Or when you look around are you inundated with clutter, noise, distractions, mess, and objects that make you feel guilty or trigger painful memories?

Repeat this same process but now look within yourself. Are you nurturing your body with water and healthy food? Do you feel vibrant and full of life? Do you feel comfortable inside your being?

These are all things worth questioning and investigating under the energy of Taurus. Under this energy, it is a good time to establish a new routine or healthy eating plan. It is also a good time to get grounded, to create structure, and to apply methods to help you get things done.

Taking a step by step approach can feel slow and inhibiting at times, but Taurus energy comes to remind us all that there are many benefits that we can receive when we take our time, plan, and move accordingly.

As we move through the beginning of Taurus season, we may feel a push-pull when it comes to developing a routine. We may feel like we have outgrown certain routines or schedules, or perhaps we may long for a change.

This influence is due to the presence of Uranus, which will be very active during Taurus Season, especially through the week of April 22nd.

During this time, we are going to be able to tap into what lessons and messages Uranus may have for us.

Uranus will be in Taurus until 2026, so of course, we are not going to get the full picture just yet, however, we will be able to catch a glimmer of what’s ahead or what’s in store.

Uranus is all about change, whereas Taurus is all about routine and structure. As you can see, the two are not usually the best pairing, but there is something we can learn from this.

The cosmos has bought both of these energies together for a reason, and the time to balance these forces is now. We have to learn to balance the idea of groundedness, structure, routine, and practicality with spontaneity, thinking outside the box, freedom, and innovation.

Balancing these two qualities is about learning to move through life with an open heart and mind, and yet some steady feet on the ground.

Achieving this balance is not easy to do and if you are feeling restless, frustrated, or uncomfortable with change around this time, perhaps lean in and see how you can create that balance for yourself.

There is a lot of cosmic activity to enjoy under Taurus Season. The best way to move through the coming weeks is to find a balance between discipline and order, and freedom and spontaneity.

Explore, stay open to change, but know that having some structure and routine going forward will also come in handy as you move through the coming weeks.

Recommended: Uranus In Taurus 2019 Will Revolutionize Your Values & Free You From Material Possessions

This was originally published by Forever Conscious.


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