This Is How You’ll Find The Love You Need In 2018, based on Your Zodiac Sign


March 21st – April 19th

Know what you are looking for

One of the major reasons why your relationships didn’t work out in 2017 was because you didn’t invest enough time and thought in judging the person before you fell head over heels for them. You rushed in without carefully analyzing them and their lifestyle. In 2018, take sufficient time in knowing and understanding that person before you emotionally involve yourself with someone. 

Of course, you can never truly know a person inside out but at least take the little step of knowing the person better first and then decide if the person has qualities you’re looking for.




April 20th – May 20th

Leave the past behind
A huge part of your 2017 was spent on being haunted by the ghost of past. Do not do the same in 2018. Allow life to happen. Yes, you indeed may have had some heartbreaking incidences which had led you to become cold and skeptical about love and affection but please know that not everybody is the same.

Bad things happen but so do good things. Leave the past memories behind. Take it off your shoulder and start all over again with an open mind.






May 21st – June 20th

Self-help is the best help
In this New Year, you should work on self-betterment. Most of the things that crumbled down last year happened maybe because you weren’t self-aware. You thought you knew what you wanted but the reality was different. Start with self-love. Spend more time finding yourself. Learn to adore yourself.

This way you’ll have a clear picture of what you bring to the table and also about what you exactly want from others. This will also save the wastage of energy and emotions of both parties. Make a home within yourself.




June 21st – July 22nd

Brush that burden off your shoulders
In 2017, you spent days after days thinking and reminiscing about what happened in the past. You had a lot of questions desired to be answered. You had too many what ifs and buts. Don’t repeat the same mistake this year. This life is too short to think about what could’ve happened if you did things differently.

Believe in the power of the present. Good or bad, accept your past and walk ahead with your life. While you’re on your own journey, you’ll find love. You won’t have to look for it because it’s going to come to you and you’ll feel it.





July 23rd – August 22nd

Be a little rational
It’s good to follow your heart but it’s dumb to shut your brains. In 2017 you started to think from your heart and that is why it didn’t work out. Remember, love doesn’t demand dumbness.

The other side of love demands a lot of rationality and practicality. See things as and what they are and accept it even if it hurts. One of the worst things you can do to yourself is turning a blind eye to wrongs hoping that if you pretend to not see it they won’t exist.



August 23rd – September 22nd

Don’t be so harsh on yourself
You were completely opposite to a Leo. In 2018, don’t be as harsh as you were in 2017. Just know that if things have to go south, they will. Even if you place everything in perfect order, they will fall if they have to.

Believe in Gods’ plan and enjoy the present. Rest your brain cells for whatever has to happen, will anyway happen.

 Continues on the next page…


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