Weekly Horoscope December 3rd-9th: Prepare To Battle Against The Odds

Weekly Horoscope December 3rd-9th: Prepare To Battle Against The Odds

Weekly Libra Tarot Card

The Emperor shows us that domination of the mind over the heart is sometimes not wanted, but in some cases is it necessary and even welcomed, and that this is part of what we must think about when he appears. When hard choices must be made it’s important to maintain your concentration and focus, and this is something this time period will make it easy for you to do.

Enjoy the assertiveness and confidence that this self-control and focus brings. So forge ahead and do what you know is best. If you can master yourself then you should have little problem mastering the world and all the things in it. It looks as though a kind, older man may be part of your scenario. This could be a work colleague, or your father or a father-type figure. Perhaps he will be interested in you romantically. If so, don’t rule him out, just because of his age. You may feel that this man sort of “rules with an iron fist” and that can be frustrating at times, but he is trying to help you to see that rules have their place and their reasons – and you will come out all the better for it.

Above all else, this man teaches – without even trying, perhaps – the benefits of structure and logic ruling over the emotions and lesser desires. The Emperor is associated with Constellation Hercules (The Hero) and Constellation Corona Borealis (The Northern Crown) and the Hebrew letter Daleth.

The Tarot card randomly selected for your Libra weekly horoscope comes from the The Original Rider Waite Tarot Pack by Arthur Edward Waite, illustrated by Pamela Colman Smith.




Scorpio Weekly Horoscope December 3 to 9, 2018

Monday to Wednesday night the Moon in Scorpio puts the focus on your private life, home and family. You will feel more emotional and sensitive than normal. This is a great time talk about relationship issues because you will be in touch with your feelings. Inner calm and balance gives you confidence to break the ice and make new friends. Memories, maternal instincts and your need for nurturing and security will be more influential in your life.

Thursday to Sunday a different way of looking at things may lead to changing opinions. Being more open to different ideas and new possibilities might cause some confusion and indecision. However, higher awareness and empathy will bring greater understanding and agreement. This is a good time to resolve relationship problems that arose in the last three weeks. Business and legal matters will also be easier to deal with.



Weekly Scorpio Tarot Card

The Five of Pentacles can point to a time when life is feeling less than secure. The important thing to remember is that there is always help available when we need it, from forces both seen and unseen. You may feel alone, but you have the capacity to change that. Reach out. You may be feeling of being left out in the cold, as though everyone else in the world has everything and you are the only one that is suffering. Realize that this is not the case. Do the best you can, with what you have, but remember that the wise thing to do, if one needs help, is to go out and ask for it. The help you need will come.

The Tarot card randomly selected for your Scorpio weekly horoscope comes from the The Original Rider Waite Tarot Pack by Arthur Edward Waite, illustrated by Pamela Colman Smith.






Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope December 3 to 9, 2018

Monday to Thursday you might find it hard to get motivated or enthusiastic about anything, especially hard work. Events or other people may cause confusion and disappointment, which may force you to battle against the odds. It is normal under this influence to feel insecure, guilty and apologetic. Personal relationships may be subject to dishonesty and deception. So you must be above-board in all of your dealings.

Friday to Sunday a different way of looking at things may lead to changing opinions. Higher awareness and empathy will bring greater understanding and agreement. People will notice you are listening to them, and this can have a healing influence. This is a good time to resolve relationship problems that arose in the last week. Business and legal matters will be easier to deal with, now the deception and confusion has passed.




Weekly Sagittarius Tarot Card

The Moon means that things may seem somewhat confusing to you now. You may find it hard to understand where you are coming from, much less what others are thinking and feeling! So you need to try to sit with the uncertainty, don’t try to force things or people to do things before they are ready. You are definitely in a more psychic and intuitive phase than usual, so it will be important for you to trust your instincts and your impressions, even if you don’t know where they are coming from. Also, not that you need to be mistrusting, but it will be helpful for you to realize that when this card appears, it’s possible that all is not what it seems.

If you feel you can’t trust someone, then you probably can’t. Go with your gut. If you are waiting on an answer from someone, it may, unfortunately, take longer than you would like for it to. Try to stay patient. The Moon is associated with the Constellation Canis Major (The Big Dog) and the Hebrew letter Tzaddi.

The Tarot card randomly selected for your Sagittarius weekly horoscope comes from the The Original Rider Waite Tarot Pack by Arthur Edward Waite, illustrated by Pamela Colman Smith.




Capricorn Weekly Horoscope December 3 to 9, 2018

Monday to Thursday clear and quick thinking helps all mental work and communications. Your mind will be very active so this is a good time to express what is on your mind through writing or speaking. You can also absorb a lot of information and concentrate well. Fine tune your goals and make clear plans, a strategy to reach your goals. It is a good time to discuss these plans with others because you will get good feedback and support.

Friday to Sunday an increase in your sensual desires makes this an ideal time for romance. Your mystic allure will attract people more in tune with your level of spiritual development and you may even find your soul mate. You are sensitive to the desires of others and will enjoy being of service to them. This can result in acts or charity to a sensual massage. Your strong sense of what is right and true will guide you in your actions.





Weekly Capricorn Tarot Card

The Nine of Pentacles is one of the most uplifting and encouraging omens in the suit. This can mean that your financial worries are over for a while, and that things in general will be going better than you thought possible. Enjoy this good energy, and share your wealth and happiness with others. The Nine of Pentacles points to happiness and success. This is on both the mundane and the inner realms. You will have a great deal to be proud of and hopeful about. Expect the best to happen. You’ll be in the position to help those less fortunate than yourself. Pay attention not only to your material abundance but also to your spirituality.

The Tarot card randomly selected for your Capricorn weekly horoscope comes from the The Original Rider Waite Tarot Pack by Arthur Edward Waite, illustrated by Pamela Colman Smith.




Aquarius Weekly Horoscope December 3 to 9, 2018

Monday to Thursday parochialism or moodiness brings the potential for disagreements. You may feel very opinionated on a particular subject and care little what others think. So this is not a good time for preaching to others or telling how they should think or act. It would be great if you could let off steam at a football match or even a political debate. This is a good time for housework and gardening and nurturing loved ones.

Friday to Sunday brings a more outgoing attitude and harmonious relationships with friends and family. Fewer cares and worries makes it easier to relax. A sense of calm and balance means you should find it easy to make friends and business contacts. Increased self-confidence and balanced focus makes this a good time to promote yourself and ask for favors. You will have the initiative to deal with any relationship problems.



Weekly Aquarius Tarot Card

The Hierophant is very much about “doing the right thing.” You may be struggling with an issue and are unsure about what is “right” for you to do. Know that the answers are within you. Remember that the “right” thing is what is right for you also. This is also a card that is very much about spirituality – everything from traditional religion to earth-centered spirituality and any other spiritual notion that you can conceive of. There may be a tension between your idea of spirituality and the “right thing” and the ideas of others around you.

Stand up for your own beliefs. The “rules” and the “system” of doing things are probably playing a major role now. Rituals of any sort will be helpful to you now, even if it’s just “a movie with friends every third Saturday.” The Hierophant is associated with Aries Constellation (The Ram) and the Hebrew letter He.

The Tarot card randomly selected for your Aquarius weekly horoscope comes from the The Original Rider Waite Tarot Pack by Arthur Edward Waite, illustrated by Pamela Colman Smith.





Pisces Weekly Horoscope December 3 to 9, 2018

Monday to Wednesday you could feel weak or ineffectual and find it hard to get motivated for work. Seeing only the best in people would bring the potential for disillusionment. Over idealization and gullibility would lead to loss, scandal or slander. This is not the best time for high stress competitive things like business dealings or negotiations. Religion and other forms of spirituality or ceremony will help if you start to lose faith.

Thursday to Sunday you could feel romantic and sensual or paranoid and delusional. If you are very sensitive and scare easily then you need to take precautions. But if you are self-confident or consider yourself self-aware and evolved, you should enjoy this spiritual trip. Love relationship will benefit from your magic touch, while dating will benefit from your sexual magnetism and charismatic appeal. Use protection if sexually active.



Weekly Pisces Tarot Card

The Three of Swords is depicted in most Tarot decks as a heart with Swords going through it but it is not all bad. Although there is an element of sorrow that is undeniable when this card appears, what lies on the other side of this sorrow can be enhanced understanding and joy. Allow yourself to fully experience any sorrow or pain that comes up this week, so that you can move beyond it. In general, this card can point to very deep emotional issues that must be addressed before you can move on. Denying pain does not make it go away (any more than denying a broken leg makes it heal.) However, attention must be paid to balance.

Allow yourself to experience any pain that comes up now, but do not wallow in it. You do not and should not wallow in grief or sorrow for long. However only you can decide how long is long enough. Others can’t decide it for you.

The Tarot card randomly selected for your Pisces weekly horoscope comes from the The Original Rider Waite Tarot Pack by Arthur Edward Waite, illustrated by Pamela Colman Smith.






Source : astrologyking


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