Weekly Tarotscope: Retrogrades And The Full Moon Brings Everything To The Surface

Weekly-Tarotscope-Retrogrades-And-The-Full-Moon-Brings-Everything-To-The-Surface.jpgThe week ahead is distinguished by the station of Mars.  While this happens far less frequently than the annoying Mercury retrograde, a Mars retrograde still leaves a considerable imprint even if it happens once every two years.

Because of the rebellious nature symbolized by Uranus and the often aggressive and even violent nature of Mars we might see a significant event arise out of that influence.

This could be a triggering point for any sort of conflict that appears to be ready to pop.  Underlying tensions or misunderstood intentions can be misread and “boom,” an event occurs. A full Moon occurs just two days after this alignment and can further inflame bubbling tensions.

Here is what your sign can expect this week, during this incredible time of cosmic events:


Aries – Ace of Pentacles

There are freshness and new beginnings for you this week, you’re likely to be feeling good in your skin and body, perhaps starting a new relationship with yourself and how you treat your body.

The Ace of Pentacles tells us that we are beginning something new and accompanying that is feelings of wealth, abundance and security.

The suit of Pentacles shines a light on our body, our home, our career and wealth.

It’s likely that you’ll see all these areas of your life from a different and fresh perspective this week.

You may feel like trying to do things differently. All Aces are potent, raw and bursts of energy and inspiration. What are you beginning Aries?

This week looks to be an excitably positive one, you may have your fingers in a few pies so to speak, lots of projects cooking and various targets to hit and smash.

You’re in alignment with conscious creation when you get the Ace of Pentacles, you can easily and gracefully manifest your wishes and desires.

By beaming out your intentions and believing you deserve all the abundance that you have
and that’s coming you’ll continue to attract some amazing things and experiences to you.


Taurus – JudgementTaurus-2.jpg

You may be feeling draw towards self-reflection and evaluation this week Taurus, The Judgement card shows us how to look at ourselves and our life honestly with an open heart.

You have opportunities this week to receive flashes of insight by doing some self-inquiry, by looking at certain themes in your life you may discover a pattern that’s been at work in your life.

There could be a realization this week that you want to live your life differently, you may feel that you need to be more true to yourself and live more authentically.

What seeds have you been sowing? This week you’re likely to reap some rewards for past efforts and be feeling that karma is doing its thing in a fair way.

Ultimately, we all face judgment, by ourselves and the divine. When we make time for reflection, we can look at ourselves and our life objectively, giving us a birds-eye view of things can help us o initiate positive change.

You may undergo some great healing this week as you lay your past to rest and realize the patterns, this week can be like all the jigsaw puzzle pieces finally coming together, a wholesome and holistic healing.

You are likely to be feeling grateful for the memories, the highs, and the lows as you realize it’s helped make you into the beautiful soul that you are and that it’s all brought you here to this moment of awareness.


Gemini – Eight of Pentacles

You’re hard at work and embodying a dedication to getting things done this week Gemini, The Eight of Pentacles tells us that we are on the right path and if we keep doing what we are doing we can further increase out happiness and continue to grow and make things manifest.

What are you studying or learning at the moment?

Have you been thinking about acquiring new skills and developing yourself in some way?

The Eight of Pentacles is showing you that you can have exceptional focus this week and that your yearning to succeed at your craft is pushing you into new territory.

You may be feeling like quite the perfectionist this week, fine-tuning something or polishing your ideas or projects, try not to lose sight of the bigger picture by focusing completely on work/projects you could undervalue other important areas of your life.

Whatever you are focusing on this week will likely be completed, you may find yourself feeling determined and full of perseverance to achieve your goals.

You may be an apprentice of some sort acquiring a new skill or developing yourself in a new way, The Eight of Pentacles is reminding you that you have the skills, attributes, and attitude to achieve whatever you set your mind to this week.


Cancer – Page of Wands

It’s your season Cancer and life looks set to be quite exciting this week! The Page of Wands is a new beginning and it’s a passionate time where you can feel freedom in self-expression and surges of optimism.

You may be feeling that you have a lot to learn and keen to be a free-spirit this week, this card is full of joy and offers you vitality to achieve your goals.

The Page of Wands is like a bird in flight, on a discovery mission and incredibly creative.

What are you working on creatively at the moment?

If you’re artistic this card is helping you keep drawing upon inspiration from all around you and you also may be the source of inspiration for others this week.

The page of Wands wants you to listen to your intuition and especially your creative impulses, you could have some genius ideas this week, bear in mind that your conscious mind may think these ideas are silly and it’s likely that your heart, gut, and intuition will want to gallop towards the idea.

The gift of this card and this week is playful abandon, an ability to follow those impulses and create big change in your immediate circle and perhaps even the world.

Be positive and embrace spontaneity, you can be quite light-footed this week and not take things too seriously which lovely for the usually quite serious Cancer soul.

You may find that you want to focus and get things done this week and this card will help you to have some flashes of insight and even though you may not have a complete plan of where you’re heading there’s likely feeling of life opening up and multiple possibilities for the future.


Leo – Four of Wands

You’ve likely been working hard recently Leo and this week you can reap some great rewards for all of your efforts.

The Four of Wands tells us that we have everything we need for the next stage of our journey, we have the right contacts, the right resources and we have the inner resources upon which we can draw strength and confidence.

You may be drawn to improve your environment as your inner life is improving you want your outer life to reflect this.

Is there something you’d like to launch or begin? This week is an ample and ripe time to begin a new project or set a new goal, you are surrounded by abundance in many forms all of which can aid you on your path.

Abundance comes in many forms, it’s not just wealth and money that makes us abundant, for instance, we can feel rich in the company of people that want us to grow, develop, succeed and obtain our goals.

It’s likely that this week you’ll be realizing just how much you have and just how many blessings there are for you to count.

The Four of Wands is reminding and showing you that this week you can feel secure and confident that you’re creating firm foundations in your life, you could be celebrating and marking a level of achievement after much hard labor and effort.

There are harmony and stability to be felt this week, you may find you enjoy the company of loved ones in a sweet and endearing way as you’re creating more time for the things that ground you and help you to feel secure.


Virgo – Strength

Do you know how strong you are Virgo? There’s likely to be some powerful confidence boosting scenarios this week that show you you’re amazing capacity to be courageous and self-assured.

You’ve been rocking yourself and facing challenges recently and all this is giving you some serious determination and staying power.

How have things been going for you recently?

You may find that this week offers you some opportunities to embrace yourself in new ways, whatever your goal is this week you’re likely to smash the target if you can use your potent inner power.

You could see that you’re facing obstacles with grace and inner calm, The Strength card tells us that we have the inner fortitude to overcome any obstacles in our path and that we have reached a level of maturity that enables us to act with power and confidence.

If you have challenges at the moment, the gift of The Strength card is giving you a boost of self-esteem stamina to focus on what you need to do, you have the power, you can do it!


Libra – Hierophant

This week you have the Hierophant by your side dear Libra, meaning you have innate wisdom at your disposal to use how you see fit.

How is your relationship with all that is spiritual? Do you have a close connection to God, the universe, the angels, the creator?

It doesn’t matter what you call it, your relationship with the divine is a personal one and you will likely get closer to your divinity this week.

The Hierophant tells us that we have all the answers we are seeking within, and by searching for answers or wisdom you will gain some profound insight this week.

How do you feel about your calling or vocation? Do you feel that you were put on this planet for a specific purpose?

The Hierophant helps us to clarify what is our calling and vocation, through listening to your intuition and allowing it to guide you, you will find clear messages this week.

You may find that you seek some external guidance this week in the form of a teacher, counselor, healer or priest, this person may help you to travel your inner landscape and help you to join a new community of some sort.

You could even join a gym or a club, for instance, you are likely to embrace a new way of thinking this week and may come out of the week feeling like your values have changed or improved.

You are likely to be full of a yearning to learn more about yourself and the life this week, you may be about to embark on a course of study, either way, this week seems to be full of blessings when you look for deeper meaning.


Scorpio – Three of Cups

You may be celebrating something emotionally gratifying this week, you’re likely to be feeling super grateful for the love you have in your life.

There could be a peak experience that uplifts your heart and enchants your soul, you are likely to feel this build and pick up momentum throughout the week.

What social events are coming up this week for you?

If you’ve been invited to any this week and you’re not sure if you should go, attend and you can expect to experience some beautiful and perhaps heartfelt moments.

If you have something planned of personal significance this week, it’s likely to go splendidly for you and feel quite ethereal.

The Three of Cups is a harmonious card, it tells us that we are surrounded by love and cooperation in our friendships and relationships.

You are likely to feel, love, support, and compassion this week and may even offer this to others too.

The Three of Cups is telling you to enjoy your friends and relationships this week, have a good time, belly laugh and cackle with your mates, feel the network of souls by your side, enjoying your company and perhaps even celebrating with you.


Sagittarius – Six of Swords

You can expect to feel lighter, brighter and a great deal more peaceful this week Sagittarius.

You’ve likely been through quite a bit recently and the appearance of The Six of Swords should feel like a warm cuddle from a loved one, soothing and comforting.

The Six of Swords comes to us when we need it most, just like wisdom and insight does.

There have likely been some testing experiences recently which has perhaps made you look closer into subjects like astrology and the tarot.

When we seek guidance in this way, we gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and our situation.

The mythic tarot shows a young man sailing away from a stormy sky and choppy waters towards a peaceful sky and placid seashore.

This picture symbolizes your journey this week, you’re moving away from stressful experiences, calming your mind and emotions by looking deeper into you and your life.

By learning more about yourself through insight and wisdom, you could find yourself finally feeling and thinking incredibly more optimistic about your life.


Capricorn – Six of Wands

Victory at last!! The Six of Wands is the card of victory and success, and this week looks set to be one of great satisfaction for you.

We tend to get this card when we’ve been having difficulty with something and we are finally on the home stretch.

You are likely to be celebrating something this week and perhaps being rewarded for all of your hard work. What have you been working hard on recently?

This week you’re probably going to see the results of your efforts pay off and you’re likely to be acknowledged in a brilliant way.

The Six of Wands is telling you to rejoice and enjoy this time of achievement, so be sure to celebrate your victories no matter how big or small they are!

This acknowledgement that you’re likely to receive this week is going to fill you up with confidence and help you to soar to new heights.

Take some time to pat yourself on the back and be receptive to the compliments that are coming your way, you deserve them.

In receiving praise you’ll increase your energy levels, helping you to move further towards more of your dreams coming true, you’re only just getting started, go you!


Aquarius – The Hanged Man

This week looks to be a time of trusting the unseen forces at work, you may find that you want to withdraw from hectic schedules and take some time to go within.

There’s likely to be something that you want to give up or stop doing, this can take the form of a perspective, an attitude, a behavior or even a relationship.

It may seem like a negative message that The Hanged Man is sending, but it’s incredibly positive as it’s really showing you that when you give up something you know isn’t working for you or isn’t good for you, you attract what’s really meant for you.

The Hanged Man tells us that we must voluntarily give up something to obtain something greater.

What comes to mind when you think about giving something up? Trust your gut instincts, your intuition is guiding you this week to seek out people and circumstances that are beneficial for you this week.

You may find that your subconscious takes over this week and your conscious mind takes a step back.

The Hanged Man is peaceful and willing to surrender to the divine and trust that better things are coming, you’re likely to find some great inner peace this week by trusting your gut and the timing of events.


Pisces – The Fool

This is a wonderful card to receive! This is the beginning of the tarot journey and The Fool tells us to trust anything that feels new this week.

You’re likely to be planning an adventure of some sort or perhaps life will be feeling like it’s beginning to be and feel awesome.

We get The Fool in a reading usually when we are prepared to start afresh and begin a new chapter. What’s starting in your life at the moment? Are you feeling ready to launch something or begin a new you?

There could be some daring opportunities that arise this week, so keep a lookout for things that seem full of the unknown and mystery, you could find yourself drawn to people, situations and things that are unusual and intriguing to you.

This week looks to be full of excitement if you can trust that there are new and thrilling experiences on the horizon for you.

The Fool speaks of freshness, boldness, and excitement. You may be feeling that life is getting better and more fun, you’re likely to be expanding your life in some way and prepared to take a risk to increase your happiness.

The Fool is carefree, and you’re probably going to embrace a carefree attitude this week, therefore attracting positive and uplifting experiences and people to you.


Source: mysticalraven


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