Your Extended Love Horoscope For November- This Is A Powerful Time For Love!

Your-Extended-Love-Horoscope-For-November-This-Is-A-Powerful-Time-For-Love-1.jpgNovember is upon us, and as the seasons are changing, we too are going through a shift. Relationships are a major aspect this month!

Let’s see what your love horoscope is for the month of November. Find your sign below:



Your-1.jpgYour ruler Mars, the planet of power and control is currently storming through Libra, a sign he is not that familiar or happy being in Aries.

Some of you will get caught up in silly arguments that go absolutely nowhere, while others will try to play power games – some of which you will win, some of which you will lose.

Single? It’s hit or miss this month on the dating scene. You could meet someone you like but whether he or she can keep up with you is another thing.

Librans are usually a great matchup for you but not so much in November. You’re better off with a Leo or Sagittarius who are fellow fire signs and know when ‘enough is enough’ with you, Aries.

For coupled up Aries, try to avoid silly, long drawn out arguments as much as possible this month Aries.

They will get you absolutely nowhere and you will wish you had never started the argument in the first place when things spiral quickly out of control.

YOUR NOVEMBER LOVE ADVICE Keep as cool a lid on things as possible this month Aries. Your energy could be all over the place with Mars in Libra, so knowing that it’s up to you to rein things in and not be too reactionary with others.



Your-2.jpg3 planets will make their presence is known in sexy Scorpio this month, your one on one relationship zone.

The Sun, Jupiter, and Venus are a delicious trio that will motivate many of you to get out there and find a mate or make your relationship the strongest and healthiest it can possibly be.

Single? You may have your eye on someone and they have their eye on you too, but you’re keeping it under wraps for now, with the planets in secretive Scorpio.

Other people will be way too curious for your liking however and you may find it difficult to keep quiet for too long! Scorpios and Capricorns are both excellent match ups for you this month.

Attached? Healthy is a word not always associated with love relationships. However, this is what you’re striving for this month, with the 3 planets lined up in your one on one relationship zone.

Feeling in a good place with your other half is a healthy thing. Respecting your partner and loving him or her unconditionally is a healthy thing.

YOUR NOVEMBER LOVE ADVICE – Put aside all your past emotions and upsets about your other half this month and instead focus on all the good things that exist between you and your other half and all the things that brought you together in the first place.



Love, at first sight, will most definitely be a possibility mid-month for you when loving Venus and dreamy Neptune, the planet of illusion and glamour come together in an easy trine.

Lust will be a big part of it too with Venus in sexy Scorpio a big part of the equation as well.

So don’t get too excited too soon and start idly looking at engagement rings or wedding dresses just yet…it could run out of petrol before you drain the tank!

For those of you in a relationship, now is a wonderful time to repair/finesse anything that needs repairing in your relationships.

Like most anything, relationships are hard work and need a lot of TLC – especially sexual relationships which go through many ups and downs Geminis.

It’s like watering your garden or tending to your children – it needs dedication, time and energy – even if you don’t feel like it whatsoever!

YOUR NOVEMBER LOVE ADVICE – An old financial dispute could come up between you and yours around November 18 or 19 and this time it won’t be so easy to ignore.

Work through it and tackle it head on Gemini’s. Don’t bury your head in the cosmic sand.



Your-4.jpgNovember is set to be the sexiest month of 2017 for you Cancers, with the Sun, Venus, and Jupiter all taking up coveted positions in Scorpio, your 5th house of romance, creativity, and fun.

Single? Get ready to mingle and meet people who might be rather different to what you’re used to Cancers.

Scorpios, Pisces, and Taureans are all excellent matchups and all great matches for you – however, you don’t want to get so distracted that you end up not seeing friends and family or even going to work!

Your life needs to be in balance – this month and every month.

Couples will enjoy this month the most – it’s set to be the most romantic month for you of 2017.

If it’s not it’s time to ask yourself what’s going on with the two of you? If you feel you and your partner are not communicating, ask yourself why and work out how to get back to a good place. It’s now or never Cancers.

YOUR NOVEMBER LOVE ADVICE Enjoy this time Cancers. You are a very romantic person, ruled by the Moon and with a New Moon joining the Sun, Venus, and Jupiter in your romance zone on the 18th, there is nothing stopping you from falling in love and being in love.



Your-5.jpgMars in Libra makes it tougher for the fire and air signs this month, as there is a general see-saw energy in abundance that does not bode well.

In your communication zone, now’s the time when you could hear an interesting accent or conversation going on around you and be interested enough to step up for a closer look…

Single? November is not the most loved-up month for you Leos however it is a month when you will have a lot going on socially – which can lead to meeting someone new and interesting – if not for you, then for a close friend, co-worker or sibling to meet.

Couples? Mercury the communicator dashing into sassy Sagittarius your romance zone November 5 will keep the conversation flowing – always a good thing. Communication transparency is key this month Leos – for you, your partner and everyone in your life.

YOUR NOVEMBER LOVESCOPE ADVICE – Venus in secretive Scorpio could have you holding your credit cards close to your chest this month Leos. If your partner is acting way too interested in your financial status this month, it could throw a cosmic spanner in the works for you.


Continues on the next page…



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