The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Have The Best February 2019



zodiac, zodiac signs

February is on the horizon, and so far, so good. right? Personally, I love odd-numbered years, but there’s something really special about 2019, and just so you know, these three zodiac signs will have the best February 2019: Gemini, Libra, and Pisces.

Also, despite the harsh realities that come with Capricorn season, 2019 really got off on the right foot, especially with the recent partial solar eclipse. Am I wrong? Again, everyone’s different, but something tells me February’s going to be even better.

This month is jam-packed with astrological transits, and trust me when I say, you will definitely be feeling the cosmic shifts. However, before we take a closer look at groovy February, let’s give our water bearers some love, considering we’re also in the midst of Aquarius season.

Speaking of which, have you been tapping into your humanitarian side? How have you been sharing your unique gifts with the rest of the world? Interestingly enough, the total lunar eclipse in Leo that just took place on Jan. 21, asked us to reflect on exactly that, so it was truly a warm welcome into Aquarius season.

This February, Venus enters Capricorn on Feb. 3, just a day before the new moon in Aquarius. Mercury, the messenger, slides in to dreamy Pisces on Feb. 10, and warrior-like Mars enters Taurus on Valentine’s Day. (I told you I wasn’t lying about it being jam-packed.)

Chiron, the wounded healer, slides back into Aries on Feb. 18, and the sun enters Pisces on the very same day. Last and certainly not least, there will be a full moon in Virgo on Feb. 19, which is also a culmination of the seeds you planet back in September of 2018.

Recommended: Your Love Life Will Be Retrograde Free This 2019, Thanks To Mars And Venus

Need I say more? In the meantime, here’s a closer look at what’s in store for Gemini, Libra, and Pisces.

Gemini: You’re Glowing with Joy and Optimism


zodiac sign, geminiThis feels way better than last month, right?

Obviously, the sun was lighting up your intensity-filled eighth house during Capricorn season, and well, now you’re ready to take over the world, aren’t you, Gemini? There’s more coming though, so hang in there.

In the meantime, however, I say you go on an adventure somewhere far away, so you can come back feeling rested and brand new, just in time for Pisces season.

Trust me, you’re going to need the extra energy, especially in the workplace.


Libra: You’re Ready To Be Center Stage


zodiac sign, libraYou’re sparkling with charisma and feeling as confident as ever.

You’re unafraid to let your Aquarian freak flag fly this month, Libra. Woohoo! Aquarius is your sister sign after all, so it’s no surprise you thrive during this eccentric AF season.

Speaking of which, let all that rebellious energy out of your system now, so you can get back to basics just in time for Pisces season, as the sun will leave your flirty fifth house on Feb. 18, and slide into your responsible sixth house of daily duties.


Pisces: You’re Experiencing A Cosmic Rebirth

zodiac sign, piscesYou’re weeks away from your solar revolution, and you’re doing what you do best: dreaming, fantasizing, resting, and re-charging your batteries.

TBH, this can be a weird time for some of us, (I know it is for me!), but since this area of your chart just so happens to rule your sign, there’s really no surprise here.

So, take this time for yourself, Pisces. Meditate, relax, and take it easy.

You’ll be ready to come out of your shell once Feb. 18 comes around. Also, before I forget, happy birthday!


Recommended: Your Most Challenging Month in 2019, According To Your Zodiac Sign

This article was written by Valerie Mesa for Elite Daily


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