The three triads can be compared to a ladder which the monad climbs on the first stage of its evolutionary journey from plane 1–7. This ladder is mentioned in …
Energy-Matter Perhaps the most important discovery ever to made in the world of physics was Einstein’s theory of relativity and his famous equation E = mc2. The equation reveals …
Consciousness is affected by experience but not harmed. It is the nature of aware consciousness to be affected by everything it experiences. Every color and sound, every event and …
Recently, I was talking with a teacher and friend about self-realization. He made a simple comment that the soul is the total sum of all of our experiences. It struck …
There is an ever-increasing body of clinical evidence demonstrating the effectiveness of alternative treatments such as acupuncture and energy healing. This has led to more and more doctors accepting …
The hidden dimensions and unseen realms make up a larger proportion of the universe than the physical parts which are visible to us – physicists know this and call …
Most music worldwide has been tuned to 440 hertz since the International Standards Organization (ISO) endorsed it in 1953. The recent rediscoveries of the vibratory / oscillatory nature of …
Let us break our limitations with a question – will you allow your children to play with a knife if you know that they can cut themselves? I don’t …
Why the Law of Attraction does not work for many people and how to make it work for you? Why so many people do not believe in the Law of …
Energy body (or aura) has 7 main layers, each of them relating to the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual condition of man. These aura layers transmit information between the body (through …