The 5 Soul Groups You Belong To – Even If You Don’t Realize It

The-5-Soul-Groups-You-Belong-To-–-Even-If-You-Don’t-Realize-It.jpgDo you ever feel like you just don’t belong? Well, think again.

Your soul is energy and this same energy is what creates everyone and everything in this Universe. When broken down to purely an energetic state, we are all connected and we are all one.

We are all here because we have a purpose to be here and a reason and motivation for existing. Many wise sages over the years have said that Earth is simply a playground where we come to learn things and experience life in the material form.

On Earth, we can indulge in physical and material pleasures, and learn what it means to feel love, hate and everything in between.

On a soul level, we are all here to walk this journey, and even though everyone’s path is slightly different, we all come here with a group of souls that are energetically in harmony with us. These Soul Groups are connected to us in higher realms and also during our time on Earth.

People from our designated Soul Groups are those that we have a soul contract with, and are supposed to be part of our learning journey on this earth. Sometimes we also agree to team up with these souls in order to create and bring new innovation to earth.

We all belong to certain soul groups, and these soul groups all serve a different purpose in our lives.

The 5 Different Soul Groups You Belong To

Soul Group #1: Source 

Firstly, it is important to understand that we are all Source energy. In a sense, everything in this Universe is part of Source energy, which makes all of us connected.

Although we are connected to everything in the Universe, all of our soul’s chose Earth as the perfect place to materialize. And so together, we are all responsible for life on planet earth.

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Every action and every thought creates a ripple in the cosmos that effects everyone. When we do harm to ourselves or to others, this energy goes out there and shapes the world that we live in.

Just the same, when we do something loving for ourselves or others, that energy also shapes the world that we live in.


Soul Group #2: Soul Community

Your Soul Community is a group of souls that share similar lessons and themes in life. Every member of your Soul Community would have come to Earth with the intention of learning how to grow in a particular area and how to bring new creative ideas or inspirations to a particular field.

Members of your Soul Community are often relatives, friends, coworkers, employees, and people who really inspire you or have the same mission as you.

Your Soul Community can also include significant encounters like a stranger that helps you when you are having a bad day, or even a particular school teacher that left a lasting impression on you growing up.

Basically, your Soul Community is people who touch your life in a significant way but perhaps are not permanent features of your life. They can also be people that share the same philosophy as you.

Your Soul Community could be hundreds, even thousands of people depending on the path you have chosen.

Soul Group #3: Soul Family

This is the immediate family members that you have chosen to incarnate within this life, however, this group can also include people that have taken on the role of being like family to you.

Members of your Soul Family often have a close bond and are also here to learn similar lessons and themes as you.

It is important to note here that regardless of the relationship with your immediate family, your soul chose to reincarnate with them for a particular lesson or experience.

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Before your soul came down to Earth it made agreements with every member of your immediate family to be connected genetically and to experience a similar set of life circumstances.

In higher realms, all of your souls teamed up and understood that by coming into a certain gene pool you were all going to have to explore certain themes, patterns, and energies together.


Soul Group #4: Soulmates

Out of all the Soul Groups, this one is often the most significant and when we meet people from this group, we often have a spiritual awakening or feel a deeper spiritual connection.

Your Soulmate Group is around 3-9 people and these souls play a very significant part of your life.

Your Soulmate Group can include family members, friends and of course, lovers. All of these soulmates will leave a lasting impression on your life and will often have a hand in changing your life.

Soulmates touch your life on the deepest of levels. These are the people that you have the strongest connections with, they can also be the people that challenge and push you the most.

When you meet a soulmate for the first time, there is often a familial bond and perhaps you feel connected in more lives than just this one.

Everyone has a group of soulmates that they come to Earth with, but not all soulmates are destined to meet or be together. Every soulmate journey is different, but if a member of your Soulmate Group is present in your life, you will definitely know.

In higher realms, your Soulmate Group is also one that you train and study with. In fact, you all work together to help each other to learn lessons and experience growth.

When you shift out of human form, your soul will connect with your Soulmate Group in higher realms and all of you will work together and help each other to understand the lives that you lead on Earth.

In higher realms, your Soulmate Group is like your support group. You all share a special bond as you are each other’s biggest supporters.


Soul Group #5: Twin Flame

When our soul comes to earth not all of our energy enters into our body. The rest of our energy can remain in higher realms or it can be transferred to another body.

When you have two bodies with the same soul energy, it is referred to as Twin Flame. While everyone has soul energy left in higher realms that they are connected to, having a Twin Flame on Earth can be pretty rare.

Reincarnating into two different bodies is often a lot of hard work for a soul, which is why it is often only seen in advanced souls that are looking to come to Earth for rapid learning.

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It is possible to have more than one “twin” flame, however, humanity has perhaps not reached that level of consciousness just yet.

Twin Flames often find each other during their time on Earth, but the purpose of their connection is not just romantic as commonly believed.

When Twin Flames come together it is often for a higher cause and to impart knowledge and wisdom to Earth.

Twin Flame connections can be extremely intense but underneath all of that intensity, there may also be a feeling that you are both coming together for a higher cause.


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