10 Signs That Prove You Are Walking The Highest Path Of Your Purpose

10-Signs-That-Prove-You-Are-Walking-The-Highest-Path-Of-Your-Purpose.jpgWe are all going somewhere or at least that’s what we like to believe. The modern world is so busy that we have forgotten to pause and see whether we are going in the right direction or not. We are busy going in whichever direction we are going.

The downside to this is that we don’t even realize that we have a higher purpose in life.

Yes, all of us have a higher purpose in life. This higher purpose may sometimes be aligned to what we are currently doing and sometimes it may be totally different.

The thing is that we do have a higher purpose that governs us and we have to find out this purpose and act on it because we are born to fulfill that purpose only.  

Here are 10 signs that prove that you are moving on the right path and you are working on your higher purpose:


1.  You feel you Are:

Sometimes, our heart tells us that we are in the right place. It is actually said that when someone is going to do something bad, their heart stops them from doing it. The bad people ignore that warning and do bad anyway.

Now the thing is that if you are on the right path and you are moving towards your purpose, your heart will tell you that you are. Your intuition and your understanding of your own self will also point to the same.

But if you are going astray, your heart might tell you otherwise. So listen keenly to what your heart says. You will know where you are.

Recommended: 10 Ways your Intuition Sends you Messages


2. You are constantly accumulating knowledge:

The journey towards your purpose in life is a difficult one. In this journey, you will learn about things that you never thought you will.

You will accumulate a lot of knowledge on this path and every day will be a Pandora box of new things and ideas that you never ever thought before.

So, if you are on the right path you will be awarded knowledge and learning.



3. You know how to handle things:

You will also come across a lot of hurdles when you are on your highest path.

These hurdles will only make you stronger because you will learn how to handle things when you go through the problems in life.

So, when you are on the right path, that path may be fraught with problems but you will know how to deal with them.



4. You know about your strengths:

You will know what your strengths are because on this journey of your highest purpose you will come across some problems that you will tackle very easily.

You will even shock yourself when you do so and you will realize that you have some innate strength that will help you in your journey.

Recommended: 10 Signs To Make You Understand If You Have Found Your Mission


5. You are humble:

The journey to your purpose in life will teach you to be more humble and to be more grounded than before.

This is because all the challenges and all the problems that will come your way will teach you how you are so much more than what you thought yourself to be.

But at the same time, you will learn to be humble and kind.



6. You know who you truly are:

If you are on the right path, you will come to know who you are.

This is because all journeys are ultimately about searching yourself. We keep thinking that the journey is about finding something outside of us but that is not true.

You just have to find who you are and how to define yourself.


7. You have no feeling of guilt or shame:

You will not feel guilt or shame if you are on the right path. These are empty feelings and you will realize that your life has no place for them because you will move past the place where external things impact you.

You will move to a place where you are complete in yourself and thus no one can make you feel guilt or shame about the choices you made because you made those choices consciously and you are aware that they are necessary to sustain you on the path that you are on.


8. You feel like you are your soulmates and twin flames:

Well, you will be lucky enough to meet your soulmates and your twin flames and this will be a strong proof that you are on the right path in your life.

If you come across your soulmates and twin flames, you will know for sure that this is where you were meant to be and you are surely on the right path.

Recommended: These 5 Things Will Happen When You Meet Your Soulmate


9. You do not compromise:

If you are on the right path, you will never have to compromise on yourself.

Even when such situations might come in your life when you have to choose between your growth and other people, you will always choose yourself. This is because you believe that you have a purpose that is beyond the people you are being attached or linked to.

Thus, you will refuse to compromise or budge from what you want. You will never ever compromise on yourself, at least.


10. You believe that there is something bigger than you:

This means that you will always feel that you are small in the larger scheme of things. If you think you are on the right path, you will realize that there are things that are so much bigger than you and one of those things is the purpose that you are supposed to fulfill in this world.

Nothing else will matter to you other than that purpose because you will actually feel that something bigger governs you.


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By: themindsjournal.com


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