Full Moon Wisdom and Awakenings

full moon

Full Moons always carry plenty of wisdom for us to embrace. Perhaps you have felt this for yourself?

On a Full Moon, we are all being guided to release what is no longer serving us and to clear the way for a new chapter in our lives.

One of the reasons why I love following the cycles of the moon is because it reminds me that all of life is continually going through a never-ending phase of death and rebirth.

Think of nature and its seasons. Or, the growth cycle of a flower. The rising and setting of the Sun each day. Everything around us is continuously moving through the phases of life’s most potent transitions.

One day you are playing around as a child. The next, you find yourself a grown adult wondering where time slipped away from you.

I look around the world today and see many who are silently hurting, in pain or feeling defeated. Many who grew up learning to hide and mask the most significant parts of themselves.

They did not know what to do with their emotions. They did not learn they could safely transmute them into a source of empowerment.

The rules taught them to look to the outer world and fit in as best they could. Being unique and different was not an option.

Later in adulthood, they realize how much they were trained to fear their own beautiful emotions—the seedlings of immense personal power.

When I first began sharing my near-death story, the incredible support propelled me faster in my mission than anything else I have ever been a part of in my life.

My willingness to share my experience on a global scale, stemmed from a passion for bringing comfort to millions of others.

I was also fueled by the momentum of releasing parts of myself, which needed to face-off with my darkest shadows.

There were parts of my emotional being which needed to self-express, clear past traumas, push past my comfort zone, and assess what was no longer serving me.

I was breaking free from the inner shackles of my mind and learning to share my soul freely—courageously transcending any limiting beliefs of time and space of who I could or could not be in the world.

Ultimately, it threw me into a physical reality I had only ever dreamed of experiencing.

It was the greatest experiment of learning how to harness my emotions and increase my inner personal power to create the unthinkable.

After a few years, I found myself grateful for the expansion and ready to do things differently.

The Full Moon continually reminds me of the power we hold within to create a new life at any moment we choose.

And so begins a shedding of the old and a movement into an entirely new chapter.

I found a daily journaling practice to be a powerful way to explore the conscious mind and receive guidance on the next chapter of my evolution.

What parts of you are you ready to release?

Wisdom And Awakenings Daily Ritual

This 30-day exercise will guide you to journal as a way to release old chapters of your life, tap into your hidden emotions, and create the new.

Remember to be gentle and loving with yourself throughout the process.

1. Find a personal journal, pen and a quiet place to sit, relax, and begin.

2. Close your eyes and set the intention of the activity by stating- “I allow what I need at this time to guide me. I am free to begin a beautiful new chapter of my life.”

3. Make a list of everything in your life that is causing you stress, does not feel good or consists of unproductive use of your time. Do this for 10 minutes.

4. Make another list of everything you’d like to create for your life. List what makes you feel good, happy and productive. Do this for 10 minutes.

5. Now journal for 10 minutes and write down all the challenges, limiting beliefs, and reasons stopping you from letting go or finding more productive solutions to the items on your first list.

6. Write down what it would take to create more of what you want on your second list.

7. Afterward, close your eyes and return to stillness. Tune into how your body feels. Do you feel tense or relaxed? What are you feeling in the moment? Is it happiness, fear, or sadness? See if you can identify the emotions or any lessons that came up for you.

8. Thank your angels and guides for showing you whatever you needed to feel or see at this time.

Repeat once per day for 30 days and see what wisdom and awakenings you are shown at the end. Make sure to drink two glasses of water after each journaling session.

The Full Moon is always our reminder that it is time to dive deeper into your soul’s radiant song and listen for the signs. And to no longer doubt, what is rising to the surface for you to heal, forgive, and learn.

As the planetary energies continue preparing you for what’s ahead, you are being guided to release that which is no longer serving you and to courageously step into a new chapter. One that will carry you into the future with beauty, ease, and grace.

Recommended: Intuitive Astrology: Void of Course Moon

This post is written by Cherie Aimée, who crossed over into the afterlife and returned with an incredible story to share. You can find out more about Cherie and her near-death experience on her website- cherieaimee.com

Source: Forever Conscious



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