16 signs that you are in connection with your fake spiritual twin

16-signs-that-you-are-in-connection-with-your-fake-spiritual-twin.jpgThe spiritual twin or twin flame is one of the souls we encounter throughout our lives. You may have more related souls, but only one spiritual twin. 

The spiritual twin is the mirror of your soul. You are at the same spiritual frequency. That means your relationship is special, but also very difficult. It’s not so easy to recognize the true spiritual twin.

 Sometimes we can start a relationship with a fake spiritual twin. It happens when we find a person we think is perfectly suited to us, but he actually helps us to recognize and clear the karma that follows us because of our bad choices and to be ready for the true spiritual twin.

 The following 16 characters will help you to distinguish between the false and true spiritual twin …


1. True and false spiritual twins are very similar

When you are with your true spiritual twin, you will realize that even your former partner possessed much of the same characteristics. It has blinded you and prevented you from recognizing the truth.


2. The false spiritual twin mentions the problems of the past

When you purify karma with your soul mate, you will find that the problems that arise are the result of mistakes, nervousness, fears and worries of the past.

 In the relationship with your true spiritual twin, the problems will be related to what will happen in the future and how to accomplish your goal while you are alive.


3. A false spiritual twin will teach you how to help yourself. The true spiritual twin will teach you how to help others

False twins arise in our lives when we need to become self-conscious and make some kind of change. True twins appear in the time when we need to expand our powers and start to change the lives of people around us.

Recommended: When Your Twin Flame Does not Recognize You


4. The commitment of the fake twins fades when difficulties begin to arise, while the commitment of the true twins becomes stronger

What mostly separates the false twin flames from the real is their extinguishing. When difficulties and disagreements arise, the true commitment of the twins will be revealed.

 In the end, the fake twins will leave because it was too difficult for them. The true spiritual twin will be ready to go through anything to stay with you.


5. A false spiritual twin will cause anxiety and nervousness, and the real one will make you feel at home

You will feel a special kind of comfort when you are with your true spiritual twin. You will be the best friends and you will feel at home whenever you are together, no matter where you are.


6. You will not know where the connection with your fake spiritual twin goes, while the link with the right twin will be clear to you despite all the difficulties

The connection with the spiritual twin is almost always stormy and filled with constant breaks and calming. However, breaking up with the false spiritual twin will last longer and be more serious. When you settle down, it will last very briefly and will not end well.


7. Your fake spiritual twin will cause you strong feelings of doubt, while the real twin will bring you security

One of the biggest signs of a fake spiritual twin is constant uncertainty in the relationship.

 Although it will seem to you that this relationship meets all your criteria, there will always be one voice in your head and a heart that will ask the question: Is this true? It will not happen to the true spiritual twin, at least not to that extent.


8. A false spiritual twin will appear to you at that time of your life when you need to be awakened. The true spiritual twin will appear when you need to get up

It is not the same to wake up and rise. Waking happens when you begin to recognize your inner strength, and the rise is the moment you start using it.

Recommended: How to Tell if a Relationship is Karmic, Soulmate or Twin Flame


9. A false spiritual twin will always make you wonder if you are destined to be together, while the intentions of the right twin will be clear from the outset

The false spiritual twin will always seem to be somewhat unattainable. You will think that you must constantly strive to maintain the relationship. The connection with the right twin runs naturally, without investing much effort.


10. A false spiritual twin will give you a false hope, and the relationship with the true spiritual twin will be irreplaceable

Your heart will break when you find out that your fake spiritual twin accomplishes the same magical relationship with other people. Your true spiritual twin never had such a close relationship with another person and he would be aware of this fact.


11. A false spiritual twin will be afraid of your success, and the real twin will get inspiration from him

False spiritual twins are very similar to you and most likely this is the main reason you are attracted to.

 However, when you start to advance, your fake spiritual twin will make you feel guilty about it or you will think that it “loses” something. The true spiritual twin will not only be happy with you but also help you succeed.


12. A false spiritual twin will show you what you need to change to survive, while the real twin will show you what you need to do to succeed

A false spiritual twin will mark the beginning of your awakening. It will reveal your old wounds and habits that hinder your way to success. 

Your true spiritual twin will not emphasize your pain from the past, but it will help you to understand what you need to do to have a fulfilling life.


13. A false spiritual twin will inspire you to awaken yourself, while a true spiritual twin will make you do it together

The connection with the false spiritual twin will awaken only one of the partners, while the relationship with the true spiritual twin will both partners both at the same time.


14. You will have a shared vision of your lives with your true spiritual twin

Your fake spiritual twin will always have a slightly different vision of life. You do not have to agree on everything, but you should at least make compromises for each other.

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15. You will wonder why the connection with the false spiritual twin happens to you. You will be quite sure in the sense of the relationship with your true spiritual twin

When you are with your fake spiritual twin, you will constantly wonder why you feel so much pain. In the relationship with your true spiritual twin, you will understand that disagreements help you mature and become better partners and better people.


16. A false spiritual twin will give you excuses of the type “is not the right time” and “we should be free as long as possible” so that it does not feel obligated towards you

The connection with the true spiritual twin will come true despite all the obstacles on the road. 

There will be no barriers, time, plans, and interests that could distort the real twin flames and convince him that you should not start a relationship with you.


Source: mrspacetotheworld



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