5 Signs You May Have A Spiritual Gift And Not Know It

5-Signs-You-May-Have-A-Spiritual-Gift-And-Not-Know-It.jpgIn order to receive spiritual guidance, you must be open to it. The more you welcome signs and messages, the stronger and more recognizable they will become.

While everyone has the ability to open themselves up and strengthen their intuition, some already have a spiritual gift waiting to be discovered.

Here are five signs you have a spiritual gift:


1. You Have Visions That Often Come True

Your visions might come in the form of an image that randomly pops into your mind or a feeling you get when you’re speaking to someone. Or they might arrive in a reoccurring dream.

If your visions often come to life, it’s a pretty tell-tale sign that you have a spiritual gift. You are able to see much deeper than what meets the eye.


2. You’re An Empath

Empaths have both a gift and a curse. They are able to feel the emotions of the people around them as if they were their own. This ability can be extremely overwhelming at times and difficult to handle.

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But when an empath learns how to navigate through their own life while feeling both the pain and joy of others, their ability can only be seen as a spiritual gift.


3. You Have A Strong Intuition

Many people are riddled with self-doubt. They have a habit of second-guessing their decisions and constantly wondering whether or not they should trust their instincts.

A strong intuition is nothing short of a true spiritual gift. It allows you to be confident in your decisions, strong in your beliefs and open to the messages you receive.


4. You Have Nightmares

Many people have nightmares, but the nightmares of those who have a spiritual gift are much more vivid. You might wake up from a nightmare sweating or painting because it seemed so real.

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If your nightmares are jolting you awake, it may mean someone is trying to get a message to you.


5. You Wake Up During The Spiritual Hour

If you have a habit of waking up between 3-4 a.m. on a regular basis, it might mean something more than a bathroom break. Waking up around this time is believed to be a sign that there are spirits looking to communicate with you.

It’s often referred to as the spiritual hour or the connection hour. Try to be more open to receiving messages at this time.


Source: davidwolfe


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