Acupressure is said to relief any kind of pain by simply pressing the points on your palm. It’s free, non-invasive and seemingly effective. But is it too good to be true?
Acupressure Has Been Around for Over 5,000 Years
You will need to travel 5,000 years back in history to find where acupressure began in ancient China. It’s no accident that our human instinct is to put pressure where there is pain. Similarly, that is how acupressure was born. People discovered that pressing certain points on your body would not only alleviate the pain within that region but affected other areas of your body as well.
It has been said that early in Chinese history, some soldiers who were wounded by arrows or stones reported many life-long symptoms of disease simply vanish. Physicians couldn’t make a logical connection between the new trauma and the recovery of their health.
Through many years of trial and error, people have found ways to relieve their pain through pressing certain points on their body which are directly connected to other areas.
Many people even today turn to acupressure and acupuncture for pain relief as an alternative to dangerous pain medications with a long list of side effects. After all, painkillers are one of the top causes of drug addiction.
Try Acupressure For Yourself
The best part about acupressure is that you can do it yourself and it doesn’t cost a thing (especially for your health). So there’s no reason why you shouldn’t give it a shot.
Here are the instructions:
- Locate the physical location of your pain within the diagram and press that point on your palm. Hold it for 5 seconds.
- After you’ve held it for 5 seconds, give it a 3-second rest.
- Repeat this simple process for several minutes.
- After repeating these treatments several times a day, over the next few days, your pain should gradually decrease.
The thumb regulates the spleen and the stomach as well as depression and anxiety. So if you are feeling emotionally stressed or if you have stomach pain, headaches or skin problems, pressing on the tip of the thumb will help bring you balance.
Index Finger
If you have a problem with your bladder and kidneys, this point will help you to solve your problems with those organs. Also, this can help you to manage disappointment, fear, and confusion. By pressing this spot you can also get rid of toothaches, muscle pains, back problems and heartburn.
Middle Finger
This point regulates the gallbladder and liver. If you’re having problems with your temper or are feeling irritable or indecisive, by pressing on this spot can improve your mood. Also, it will help you to improve vision and blood circulation, to relieve pain from menstrual cramps, and migraines.
Ring Finger
By pressing this point you can stimulate colon and lung function. It can also improve emotions such as fear of rejection and negativity. People who have digestive problems, skin conditions or respiratory problems such as asthma can solve their problems by pressing on this point.
Pinky Finger
This point regulates the heart and small intestine. When feeling nervous, worried or insecure, your confidence may improve by pressing on this point. By pressing this point can also resolve issues with bones, heart problems, throat pain and bloating.
Base of the Thumb
By pressing this point you can solve your problem with cough, respiratory distress. and also depressing this point can improve your thyroid function.
Center of Palm
This point regulates the stomach. Pressing on this spot will help you to alleviate abdominal pain or digestive distress.
Fleshy Part of Palm
The fleshy part of the palm is responsible for heart and endocrine function. This point can help you to regulate heart problems and balance out the hormones.
Exterior of Palm
Pressing this point can help you with appendix issues and it will also help you to control your sugar levels.
Here is the full diagram of Acupressure:
Have you tried it? Let us know in the comments below if it works for you.
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