What Psychic Message Do Your Spirit Guides Have For You At This Time?


Our spirit guides are carefully chosen personal helpers whose job is to make sure we stay on our life paths and evolve our consciousness as we do so.

Find out what your spirit guides want you to know at this time in your life by selecting the symbol that you feel an energetic pull towards.


Spirit Guide Messages


1. There are times when it’s best to wait, gather more information and maybe test the waters first before leaping.

This is not one of those times. The advice from the spirit is to be proactive and push the start button.

You have already laid the groundwork for the next part of your journey and it’s oh so important to take action at this time.

No need to ponder for too long for the conditions are perfect for you right here, right now.

Recommended: How to Meet Your Spirit Guides Through Meditation!

Get out there and physically put one foot in front of the other.


2. It’s Celebration Day!

2.-Its-Celebration-Day.jpgWe usually only celebrate the big things and overlook the seemingly small victories that we accomplish on a daily basis.

For today and well, maybe from this day forward celebrate everything with a whoop, gratitude, a smile, a treat, whatever you do, please stop and embrace the moment of accomplishment.

It may be as simple as pairing up your socks after washing the laundry or even completing your tasks before the end of the day

. The point is – we take so much for granted for example; Your car starting up right away. What a challenge when it doesn’t start correct? Celebrate it all!


3. Start taking notice of the areas of your body that are sluggish and need TLC.

3.-Start-taking-notice-of-the-areas-of-your-body-that-are-sluggish-and-need-TLC..pngThe body is always an extension of what is going on emotionally with us. Louise Hay has written about this in her book – “You Can Heal Your Life”.

Instead of ignoring your body’s aches and pains, listen to them and identify the emotion and or belief system associated with that body part and do the work.

Recommended: 7 Types of Spirit Guides- Which One Is Yours?

An example of this is – if you have an earache, ask of yourself what is it that you are not wanting to hear or are you not listening to what others are trying to communicate to you?

Tune in to your body today, pay attention to what it is telling you loud and clear and then get to work.


Source: awakeningpeople


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