Tag: lightworker
“Ultimate Lightbringer is a lightworker who shines with their full potential” Lightworkers, once they are awakened, devote most of their lives in bringing light into this world. The light …
A shift is taking place. Humanity is changing. Around the world people are realizing that previous paradigms are not working and we must change our way of living in …
Tips and techniques that lightworkers and light warriors can use to protect themselves on the energetic level. Diamonds Diamonds can be used to reinforce and effectively protect just …
Here are 20 Signs You Very Well May Be a Starseed… Keep in mind, this is just a start. Do you feel like you’re from another dimension or another …
Lightworkers, volunteers, and earth warriors have to embrace, activate and integrate these upgrades. They have to march on, be themselves, embody their truth and unite as one. If you …
Some of you might be wondering, who are the lightworkers? Well, this term might be new for you, but it is something that ‘Doreen Virtue’ thinks is very important …
There is one prediction that can be found both, in the book of revelations and the emerald tablets forecasting something really exciting! It says that there will be an …
444 Lightworker activation is being triggered. Lightworkers, volunteers, earth warriors embrace, activate and integrate upgrades. Its time to lose the avatars. Ditch the masks. Embody truth. Buckle up we’re …
When it comes to Lightworkers and identifying which one you are, know that it’s highly likely that you’ll embody many of these traits. Pay attention to your inner guidance. …
As I sat to read the energy of May, it was clear that the energy of April (and June) are very inter-related. They are always connected, of course; it’s …