April 22, 2019 Will Be The Best Week For These Zodiac Signs & You’ll Feel So Confident

zodiac signs

Ah, the colors seem brighter, the air smells fresher, and the ground feels firmer. Is everything suddenly more beautiful or is it Taurus season? Prepare to feel more tuned in to the present moment because the sun has left behind fast-paced, competitive, and high-energy Aries in exchange for Taurus.

While some of us may feel bittersweet about the change, others will be reveling in it. Like Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn who, as of April 22, 2019, will be the zodiac signs to have the best week. If your sun or ascendant falls in any of those signs, you’ll really enjoy the cosmic energy this week. It’s a good time to be an earth sign.

Even though Taurus season is known for being a time of stability and predictability, this year is a whole different story. As of April 22, the sun will form a conjunction with Uranus, the most capricious planet of all. Uranus desires freedom from convention and individuality at all costs, which makes this entrance into Taurus season marked by a unique flavor. While this should be interesting, Uranus loves to change things up simply for the sake of it, so expect the unexpected.

Even though it’s time for earth signs to shine, this week ends on a rough note because combative Mars forms a square with deceptive Neptune. This is certainly going to add some strangeness into the mix, so remember not everything is as it seems.

In the meantime, here’s how to best enjoy what’s in store for you this week:

Taurus: Your solar return has arrived, your loyal highness

The sun has entered Taurus and the world is yours. When it’s your solar return, you have every reason to treat yourself like a queen. You’ve survived another year and you should look back on just how much you’ve experienced and learned. Let the sun’s gilded energy empower your first house of the self and fill you with confidence.

It’s time for you to focus on who you are becoming, as opposed to how you’ve seen yourself in the past. Don’t be afraid to make a big change that lets the world know who you are now. It’s time for you to embrace your uniqueness and stand out. Focus on your individual needs and treat yourself like the love of your life. What you do now will only enrich your growth.

Virgo: You’re inspired to see the world and try something new

You’re on the brink of an exciting adventure, possibly even an adventure you’ve never embarked on before. The sun has entered your ninth house of expansion and wisdom. What you’re really feeling inspired to do is open your mind and drink in new experiences. Leave behind the humdrum of your predictable routine and try something new.

Because the sun is also forming a conjunction with Uranus, you won’t feel satisfied with monotony. You want to taste food you’ve never tried before, visit a place you’ve never visited, and learn something that truly blows your mind. If an opportunity to go the distance arrives, don’t let doubt hold you back. Trust that the wind wants to take you places.

Capricorn: You’re feeling so artistic and ready to have fun

There’s an artist inside all of us, no matter how much we’ve tempered or repressed that instinct. Now that the sun has entered your fifth house of fun and pleasure, you’re feeling more creative than ever. Cut out all the nonsense in your life preventing you from feeling a deeper sense of joy. This nonsense could take the form of a mental block or habits no longer serving you. Find the freedom to create the way you did when you were a child.

This time around, your Taurus season experience could produce something truly unique or make you realize a talent you never knew you had. That’s because the sun is forming a conjunction with Uranus, which wants to strip you down to your most individualistic. This could be groundbreaking.


This was originally published by Elite Daily.


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