Advice You Should Follow During Taurus Season 2019, According To Your Zodiac Sign

taurus season 2019

Taurus season has arrived and while the magic of its sweet-smelling aroma and fresh blooms never ceases to amaze me, I believe there’s something inexplicably magical about the essence of springtime, like the advice you should follow during Taurus season 2019, according to your zodiac sign.

In case you weren’t aware, rebellious Uranus is in Taurus for the next seven to eight years and will be meeting with the sun later this month. So all I’m going to tell you is: get ready for some interesting “aha!” moments, my fellow stargazers. Themes related to your values, practicalities and money-making abilities will be revolutionized during this time.

However, before diving into the Sun-Uranus conjunction effects, let’s take a closer look at the sensual sign of Taurus, because what’s not to love? For starters, Taurus is fixed earth; it boasts an ultra-stubborn personality and inflexible nature. Taurus is ruled by Venus, planet of love and beauty.

However, given Taurus’ element earth, the planet of love expresses itself physically as opposed to Libra (air) who emanates Venus’ charms via its eloquent conversations and justice-seeking personality. So when the sun is in Taurus, you’ll begin to see the world through your five senses and in turn become intoxicated with the “5-D” experience of life.

Feeling like you’re not sure if you’re working hard, or hardly working? Taurus season is about reveling in what brings you the most pleasure, so don’t hesitate to stop and smell the roses this season.

Nevertheless, below is my advice to you as per your zodiac sign:

Aries: Own your worth and treat yourself

Pat yourself on the back, Aries. You’ve worked so hard to get here, so why not celebrate the fruits of your hard labor? With the sun energizing your second house of values, income and self-worth, now is the time to celebrate all the wonderful things you possess.

Taurus: Welcome the change headed your way

Happy solar return, Taurus! Aside from celebrating another blessed trip around the sun, your astrological season is also giving you a glimpse of what’s to come. On that note, make sure you open your heart and mind. Don’t be afraid to change the frequency.

Gemini: Have more compassion for yourself

Take it easy, Gemini. With the sun beaming over your secretive 12th house of dreams and all things behind-the-scenes, you’re likely in the mood to retreat and withdraw from the world. Be gentle with yourself and release the burdens weighing you down.

Cancer: Don’t be afraid to come out of your shell

Come out, come out, wherever you are, Cancer. With the sun beaming over your eleventh house of friendships, teamwork, and tribes this season, it’s time to step outside your comfort zone and mingle with your extended community.

Leo: Reach for the stars and celebrate your wins

The sky’s the limit, Leo. With the sun shining through your career-driven 10th house of ambition, authority and reputation in the world, you’re unapologetically focusing on your professional life and making an impression in the world.

Virgo: Expand your mind and take a leap of faith

Risky business, Virgo? With the sun beaming through your ninth house of education, travel and higher learning, you’re as ready to cross the pond as you’ll ever be. What’s holding you back? Go ahead and think things through, but don’t be afraid to take a risk.

Libra: Let go of all that no longer serves you

Change is the only constant thing in our lives, Libra. With the sun energizing your eighth house of sex, intimacy, transformation and shared resources, now is the time to shed skin. So don’t be afraid to face the things that make you feel vulnerable.

Scorpio: Nourish your committed partnerships

You can’t always be the lone wolf, Scorpio. Besides, Taurus is your astrological mirror and with the sun beaming over your partnership house, you’ll likely be in a compromising mood. Good for you.

Sagittarius: You better put in the work

Playtime’s over, Sagittarius. With the sun energizing your sixth house of responsibility, health and day-to-day routine, you’ve got one thing on your mind and that’s work. Have you been doing your due diligence? It’s time to get your ducks in a row.

Capricorn: Bask in the recognition you receive

Way to go, Capricorn. It hasn’t been smooth sailing for you as of late, but then again, when is it ever? With the sun beaming over your fifth house of creativity, romance and individual expression, it’s time you celebrate your authenticity and do something for your inner child.

Aquarius: There’s no place like home

What makes you feel safe, Aquarius? Do you need some time off to recharge or perhaps spend more time with your loved ones? Focusing on your nest and sense of security is priority for you during this time.

Pisces: Connect with your immediate community

Gossiping too much these days, Pisces? With the sun beaming over your third house of communication, siblings and social media, your mind’s at 100 MPH and you’re in go-mode. Although, given Taurus’ stability-loving nature, this is also a good time to collaborate with your peers and perhaps launch an exciting project via social media.


This was originally published by Elite Daily.


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