Full Moon in Taurus, November 4th, 2017 ~ Dreams Do Come True

Full-Moon-in-Taurus-November-4th-2017-.jpgThe Full Moon in Taurus is on November 4th, 2017 at 2:22 am ADT.

Love, Romance…meeting your Twin Flame and sudden abundance. ALL are possible as aspects of consciousness, that may be activated in your Blueprint, depending on your life plan.

Till the end of January 2018, we are playing out the impact of the August 21st Solar Eclipse. And this Full Moon continues to play out the impact of the New Moon on October 19th, 2017.

Recommended: November Full Moon 2017: Almost-Super Beaver Moon Occults Aldebaran This Weekend!

This is the harvest time of the very fortunate New Moon on October 19th, 2017. Love ~ Wealth and Honour were the energetic themes of that New Moon…still playing out.


The impact of this Full Moon will play out till the next New Moon on November 18th, 2017.

Fine-tuning your intentions and focusing your awareness you’re on the ETERNAL you, the ONE that knows no limits ~ opens your Heart to all that you ARE.

Allowing you to be here now as the Divine God Self YOU. Your Higher self Presence, that then initiates you into reaping the benefits of your expanded …the conscious awareness.

Just before this Full Moon Venus is Opposite Uranus. This may signify for YOU ~ a change in your Love life.

This may come as a strengthening and deepen the romance and connection you already have with your lover.

Or ~ meeting your Twin Flame or a Soul Mate is also the possibility, that may suddenly unfold for you.

A change within YOU, Loving yourself more consciously, is what prepares you for stepping into the experience of “DREAMS do come TRUE”  at the expanded, Divine YOU ~ level of Being.

As your consciousness EXPANDS and as your Heart Opens through concretely “Being” your Loving Eternal Divine Presence. ALL that is yours eternally naturally unfolds and comes to You.

There is no fear or doubt at this level of being. You are what comes to YOU and your desires and intentions Are you. You become fully conscious of this, through your Heart. Which is the eternal you?

The YOU that is your Divine Eternal Presence.

The ONE magical Mystical YOU ~ in full Union here and now concretely in form.

Recommended: November 4 Frost Moon In Taurus – This Full Moon Energy Is POTENT!

The Full Moon sextile Neptune increases your psychic awareness and intuition.

The connection through your heart to the ONE Beloved, Soul Union, Twin Flame and its Presence within you, Draws to YOU ~ Your Dreams coming true. And beyond this ~ Living a life that is beyond your wildest imagination.


Romance, Love, Wealth and Honour. Sudden shifts.

Sudden changes in awareness.

Feeling more abundant within. Shifts in abundance.

Feeling the UNION of what already exists within you ~ Draws the Presence of the YOU that lives as that Union into your form..into your DNA. Into your Heart. Into your reality, concretely.

Being ~ all that you are, through your very Presence, is what dreams are made of.

The Magical and Mystical Union.

The deep desire and longing of that Union.

The Wholeness.

The Love.

The romance….the Divine Beauty and Perfection, of ALL that you ARE.

Lives IN the Presence of “Dreams Do Come True for YOU” the one eternal unique YOU ~ that knows no bounds or limits…ONLY living and Being the UNION that knows no separation from anything.

Through the GLORY of the Divine Presence. The magical and heavenly…life beyond your wildest dreams…and dreams coming true for YOU, is what BEING your Presence is.

Opening your Heart NOW.

Receive your GLORY.

Your Dreams coming true.

Your Life beyond your wildest dreams! I love You!




Source: thenewdivinehumanity


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