Intuitive Astrology Forecast August 2019

august 2019

Welcome to August! August is a brighter, lighter, and more hopeful month with so much fresh inspiration to offer. If we can open our hearts, open our minds, and just allow the Universe to work its magic, we will be able to access so much abundance this month!

August holds the vibration of the number 8, which is powerful in numerology and represents the infinite journey of the soul and the movement between “human” and “being.”

All through the month of August, the cosmos is delivering us opportunities to get in touch with our being, and to elevate and welcome in the fact that we are all intuitive, energetic beings with far more wisdom and knowledge than we give ourselves credit for.

The first dose of fresh opportunity and wisdom comes as we enter the month with the Leo Black Super New Moon and Mercury moving direct shortly after.

Both of these cosmic events will help to relieve some tensions that may have been bubbling through the month of July.

Mercury going direct will also help communication efforts to feel a little smoother and may reveal some important information so you can make more confident and informed decisions moving forward.

Following this, we have the Lionsgate Portal which peaks on August 8th. This 8/8 energy is going to be helping us to elevate and tune in to higher frequency energies so we can receive psychic downloads and access higher realms of consciousness.

Under this energy, it is a great time to visualize and manifest what you would like to bring into your life. It is also a time to honor and recognize your spiritual gifts, and to remember that you are so much more than just a body.

We each come here with a purpose, and part of that purpose is to bring our true authentic nature, our spiritual essence to everything we do.

Part of our purpose is honoring and owning who we are, this musical note of perfection that is our vibration, and then allowing our music to mix and mingle in perfect harmony with the rest of the world.

If you are looking to tap into more of this essence, activating your energy centers or chakras can help. For guidance with this, try my Cosmic Guided Meditation for August.

Following this, we have Jupiter going direct in its ruling sign of Sagittarius on August 11th. If you thought you could celebrate one less planet in retrograde, you won’t be able to because on the same day, Uranus goes retrograde!

Uranus will go retrograde in the sign of Taurus until January 2020. While the effects of this retrograde will be subtle, under this energy we will be guided to reflect on where we need to become more independent and where we need to be more open when it comes to asking for help.

Following this on August 15, we have the Aquarius Full Moon, which also carries this same theme of independence.

Where do we need to assert ourselves and our independence? Where do we need to allow ourselves more freedom? At what point do we allow ourselves to surrender and ask others to help lighten the load we have been carrying?

These are the types of questions this Full Moon may stir for you, but it is still a much lighter and brighter energy than what we experienced in July.

On August 23rd, we say goodbye to Leo Season and move into Virgo Season. This is a Season for health, for healing, and for reflection, it is a season to focus on creating a routine that is both productive yet rooted in self-care.

Out of fiery Leo and into earthy Virgo, we will also feel inspired to ground our energy and to spend time connecting to Mother Nature.

On August 24th, we have the meeting of Mars and Venus. The two celestial lovers are quite busy all through the month but will share a quick kiss before parting ways until they meet again in 2021. This romantic energy will help activate soulmate and twin flame contracts and help us all to awaken our own hearts.

Finally, the month wraps up the way it began, with another New Moon, this time in the sign of Virgo.

This August 30th, Virgo New Moon is our last gift for the month and another reminder that it’s time to focus on the fresh new energy that the Universe is offering up.

Your Guided Meditation for the month of August


This was originally published by Forever Conscious.


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