The July New Moon 2018 In Cancer Will Transform You & Inspire You To Step Into Your Power

The-July-New-Moon-2018-In-Cancer-Will-Transform-You-Inspire-You-To-Step-Into-Your-Power.jpgJuly is a major turning point in 2018, as it marks the beginning of a powerful eclipse season. The first eclipse of the summer and July new moon 2018 will be a partial solar eclipse in the sign of domestic Cancer.

Eclipses are powerful lunations that bring life-altering circumstances, which is why most people tend to become hesitant whenever one is approaching.

They are one of nature’s greatest spectacles, and according to some, a sign from God. This month’s eclipse on July 12 is the first of three this summer, as the following two will take place on July 27 and Aug. 11.

These life-changing lunations will shake up the Cancer-Capricorn axis, bringing surprise new beginnings and transformations between now and 2020.

A solar eclipse occurs when the moon is between the earth and the sun, which is also referred to by astrologers as a sun-moon conjunction.

At this very moment, the moon blocks the sunlight, which symbolizes a state of darkness for all mankind. Now, as human beings, we usually tend to work with what have, and by that I mean, our instincts aren’t to look beyond the horizon.

Recommended: July 2018 New Moon Astrology Predictions That Will Help All Zodiac Signs Make The Most Of This Lunar Event 

On the contrary, we are creatures of habit, and we work with what we are given. This is exactly where the “life-changing” eclipse energy stems from.

It’s that moment when the moon blocks the sun, that forces us to explore unfamiliar territories and consider new options. Solar eclipses represent new beginnings, and despite the fear that comes with change, the universe knows what’s best for you.


New Moon And Partial Solar Eclipse In Cancer

Where do you have Cancer in your natal chart? Capricorn is direct across Cancer in the zodiac wheel, as they are complete opposites of each other, in every sense of the word.

Now, keep in mind, everyone’s chart is completely different, so this solar eclipse will spark different circumstances. However, the theme of Cancer-Capricorn remains the same: mother vs. father, emotions vs. reality, comfort vs. responsibility, etc.


Solar Eclipse Opposite Pluto: Transformation And Soul Evolution

As I previously mentioned, despite our fear of change, this eclipse has our best interest. So, if you’ve been reluctant to change or are hesitant to make a move, this energy may or may not get the job done for you.

With the solar eclipse in Cancer opposite Pluto in Capricorn, we are transforming (Pluto) both physically (sun) and emotionally (moon).

The how factor depends on where Cancer and Capricorn fall in your natal chart. Something else that’s interesting is, Pluto is retrograde as we speak.

We are being forced to look within ourselves and confront our fears. Where is your power being taken away from you? This is beautiful energy, especially for those who have been victims of addiction, bullies, narcissists, and manipulators.

Pluto Retrograde pushes us to stand up for ourselves, not to mention overcome obsessive behaviors.


Grand Earth Trine: Uranus, Venus, And Saturn

Lucky for us, there will be a grand earth trine in the sky between Uranus in Taurus, Venus in Virgo and Saturn in Capricorn. In astrology, the element earth represents stability, practicality, and materialization.

With these three harmonious energies in the sky, this evolution process could bring both security and long-term results.

For example, Venus trine Uranus could spark a surprise love interest, and inspire exciting new ways to bring pleasure into your day-to-day life. Speaking of love, Venus trine Saturn inspires commitment and long-lasting relationships.

This energy makes us more serious about the things we love as well. Last but certainly not least, Saturn trine Uranus brings solid change. This is great energy for new projects and interests overall. Uranus brings the change and Saturn solidifies it.


Source: elitedaily


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