Weekly Zodiac Predictions August 20 – 26, Pisces Full Moon Is Approaching

Weekly-Zodiac-Predictions-August-20-–-26-Pisces-Full-Moon-Is-Approaching.jpgReady, set, release. The Pisces full moon awakens our desire for closure on a deep soul level. As the zodiac’s last sign, Pisces is about endings and transitions. It’s time to surrender, wave the white flag, and accept the things we cannot change.

Yeah, we’re quoting the Serenity Prayer, because recovery is part of the Pisces realm. As human beings, we’re addicted to control. We manage our weight, our partners, our money. . . whatever we can get our hot little hands on.

Yet, the more we try to manipulate the world around us, the crazier we feel! Seriously. What’s scarier than a calorie-counter who hasn’t eaten a solid meal for days, or a person consumed by jealousy and fear in a relationship? Tunnel vision makes us mad men and women.

The Pisces full moon arrives in perfect timing, offering a one-way ticket outta our self-constructed Crazy town. Since full moons are like giant celestial spotlights, this one could beam into an area of life where you’ve been stuck or in denial.

If you’ve ignored your intuition, your appetite, and your creative expression, the Pisces full moon reminds you to pay attention. Pisces is also a dual sign, which means we will experience some of life’s paradoxes.

Aries: 20-26 August 2018


Secrets? Shadowy matters? Great mysteries? Just be gently aware of previous experience from 2011-2017, Aries and rather than add to this, try and contain and control what is already there.

We are entering Virgo season and that means a searchlight turned on all that has been so confused and confusing, to date – but also so much below the surface for you.

Rather than let the situation become even murkier now might be the time to think about some clarification, into September. The real story is actually your lifestyle, body, and workload.

This Virgo weather is really about dealing with you are being shown about yourself and your duties to others.

That includes the dog as well as everything else. Seldom has the link between your mind and your body been so close, and if you have housemaid’s knee over the next three weeks, it may well be because you don’t actually want to be a housemaid anymore.

Body issues which prevent you from working at a particular role or task are a dead giveaway, are they not? More positively, you will be in touch with experts, professionals and gifted amateurs in the food, drugs, drink, fitness, surgical, medical and healing department shortly. The Full Moon on Sunday 26th August is your big pointer to that.


Taurus: 20-26 August 2018


The next three weeks will focus your mind wonderfully on a friendship, within a wider circle or group, which has no boundaries.

This may be because of your friend’s personality – s/he may be the kind of person who is all over the place, everywhere, all the time. Perhaps it is the porous nature of the club, Twitter account, team or other community.

It’s leaky and this can make life feel quite random and rather hard to control. In actual fact, this is like building walls or rebuilding them – and nothing more complex than that.

You’ve been in similar situations before, but it takes late August to September to wake you up. It is also the time of year to think about your son, daughter, grandchildren, godchildren, nieces and nephews, pregnancy, stepchildren and any relationship which brings that closer.

Equally, it is time to think about leading, mentoring and guiding a younger generation, perhaps through paid or unpaid efforts with children – may be young adults, depending on your age. There needs to be a compromise by 6th September.

It may be child custody, for example, or some other kind of power-sharing agreement, or a new arrangement which redistributes the controls. Ceres is in Virgo along with the Sun and you don’t see that very often! Power must be divided anew.



Gemini: 20-26 August 2018

Your ruler Mercury is steadily moving towards Virgo, the sign which rules your tenant, your house, your property investment, your landlady and the rest. Naturally the family or household is paramount too and you may also be profoundly involved with matters which affect your town or country.

A lot of Gemini people are born with factors in Cancer in their personal birth charts, and if this is you, there is more to August and September than meets the eye. You will see why from November when the past (from around 19 years ago) comes back to meet you, in the present!

Let’s stay with the immediate present, though, and look at the week ahead, which is bound to set you on course for fresh choices about moving, renovating, community activism with the council, larger questions about your nationality or citizenship – and of course, the family.

The Full Moon is unlikely to be a walk in the park, but that’s fine. You need to sort things out, in descending order of importance, so that you can head for a brand-new start in September.

Family politics would not be unusual. The other key thing about this new cycle? Clarity in your career, unpaid work or university degree. Contain and control what/who is all over the place, everywhere, all the time. Boundaries!


Cancer: 20-26 August 2018


You are ruled by the Moon, as you know, so the Moon’s cycles are far more important for you than other people.

On Sunday, the Moon in Pisces opposes the Sun in Virgo, so this is a time of reckoning for your life on the internet, travel agenda, education, academic priorities, publishing plans and particularly your relationship with people whose culture is foreign to you – likely, along with their country of origin.

The Moon is opposite the Sun, so you will be dealing with polar opposites too. This may be an inner conflict you have, or you may be in the red corner, while somebody else is in the blue corner.

Normally this would be just a passing thing, but as you also have Ceres in Virgo you clearly need to share the controls with your project, internet life, public speaking plans, book, multimedia involvement and so on.

This will take time which is perfectly fine. In fact, if you’re into accurate timing, modern astrology is your friend. All you really need to know is that September sees a relaunch of your plans to travel or travel in the mind. Near Sunday 9th September you take off, in every sense of the word.

This is three days after Mercury changes signs so there will be a ton of paperwork or phone calls. Ceres will also have departed by this stage, so the second week of September brings a feeling of ‘job is done, power shared, controls redistributed’ and – compass re-set. It will help you a lot if you can put the boundaries back in with particular people or organizations.


Leo: 20-26 August 2018

It’s that time of year again when your finances, house, business, charity, apartment or possessions must come first.

You may as well roll up your sleeves and get stuck in. Your ruler the Sun is opposite the Moon on Sunday and this tug-of-war may be reflected in mixed feelings about your bank, the tax man or your salary (for example).

There will be a new beginning, and likely a new budget from 9th September when the Sun again lines up with the Moon and that month as a whole should be set aside for meetings, paperwork, and organization.

The issue for you is boundaries. You are involved in quite confused and confusing financial, property, charity or business arrangements with partners, family members or others where the lines are blurred. You may as well get your head down now,

Leo, and start carefully and systematically figuring out what needs to be done, when and how.




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