Weekly Zodiac Predictions August 20 – 26, Pisces Full Moon Is Approaching


Virgo: 20-26 August 2018


The Sun enters Virgo on Thursday 23rd August and matters of image, profile, name, reputation, and appearances now come to the fore. It has been 12 months since you were in this cycle with Social Me, Me, Me, Me, Media and you’ll notice it most at the Full Moon on Sunday 26th August.

Mixed feelings, inner conflict or situations where you are clearly poles apart from others, are all typical. From this, comes a determination to sort out who or what is in control of the way you appear to the world at large.

Quite rightly, this will take you a good couple of weeks to sort out, but once your ruler Mercury changes signs on 6th September, the hard work has mostly been done and you can relaunch yourself, or at least relaunch your approach towards matters of an image.

The more important issue, by a country mile, is the confused and confusing relationship you have with your former, current or potential partner. This weekend, into next week, is likely to make it far more obvious to you that is usually the case.

As we have a chain of Virgo-Pisces oppositions into September, it would appear that the time has come to try and find a way to reinstate boundaries, or actually put them in for the first time.

Sometimes oppositions in Pisces mean the issue is an enemy, foe or rival instead of a partner. If this is ringing bells on Sunday, make sure that things are watertight with you and he/she/they as you really don’t want anyone getting into your psychic space, over your internet walls or anywhere near your life, right?



Libra: 20-26 August 2018

Over the next three weeks, you will be given your best chance in 12 months to sort out your daily routine, workload, and lifestyle.

There is a recurring theme here, as ever since Neptune changed signs in 2011, you have frequently been all at sea with the most basic aspects of breakfast, housework, employers, staff, colleagues, clients, lunch, the gym, the swimming pool, the doctor, dinner, yoga, sleep…sleep…sleep.

Neptune has a reputation in astrology for showing you what’s (not) what. It can be rather confusing to deal with over a long period as it’s so easy to become immersed in alternative facts, alternative realities, alternative lifestyle – that you don’t even realize how far out you have drifted or how deeply you are in, up to your neck.

This is really only an issue when you have a ton of oppositions from transiting Virgo factors in your chart and that just happens to be now. So, allow three weeks to sort this out.

There is nothing that can’t be done if you roll up your sleeves and determine to make it all work, no matter if this is your job, your unpaid work or your university degree.

Your physical condition and state, down to your body type (blood group, frame, the lot) can’t really be separated from your working day and now is the time to sort it out, step by step. You’ve done this before and you can do it again. Neptune is associated with anesthetic and you may want to take a long, shrewd look at what you use to make yourself Comfortably Numb.


Scorpio: 20-26 August 2018


Rethinking how things are with your son, daughter, godchild, stepchild, grandchild, niece or nephew may be the start. By the second week of September you will be on a roll, as you realize you have actually been here before, and unless there is a concerted attempt to control boundaries, they just disappear.

Whenever that has happened in the past – even as far back as 2012 or 2013 – life has become confusing, at best, and chaotic, at the extreme. This Full Moon now, in this area of your chart, is very much about seeing what needs to be done, why and when.

From there will come progress, with some really important discussions, agreements or paperwork from 6th September onwards.

Scorpio, the issue for you may be a pregnancy, adoption or a sexual relationship which may ultimately offer you quite a different involvement with the world of children or young people.

Some of you may also have crucial paid or unpaid work which revolves around a younger generation. In all cases, you have to see why things have drifted, or slipped out of your hands and try to pull it all together again. What else is going on now?

Well, your group, social media circle, club, team, association, band or community is clearly political. In fact, it’s downright emotional as there are questions here about power and control, and how best to share it. The weekend into early next week will lay it all on the line for you, but September is your sign-off time for the new arrangement with all of you.



Sagittarius: 20-26 August 2018

You can live with a floating situation involving a family member, flatmate, your house, apartment, home town or homeland. In fact, Sagittarius, you have drifted with the tides all year, adapting to the flow.

You have had had issues with boundaries (literally the back fence, or council planning). A relative may have no sense of boundaries, or a flatmate or live-in partner may have been crossing the line constantly.

At a certain point, your horoscope lines up in a particular way – and you have to notice what has been going on. More than that, you have to do something about it.

This is really what the next 3-4 weeks will be about. Unless you nip something in the bud, it’s not going to go away of its own accord.

This may be a question about citizenship or nationality for some Sagittarians – you too? In other cases, it’s really about the lack of structure within the family or shared household, or between you as a couple living together.

The Full Moon will bring it all to a head close to Sunday. This is also the time to look at the way your career, unpaid work or university degree functions, in terms of life at home or your attachment to a particular place.


Capricorn: 20-26 August 2018

capricornWe now have an important new cycle beginning, across the Virgo-Pisces axis of your horoscope, which rules your use of the worldwide web, multimedia, publishing, education and all forms of communication.

The Full Moon on Sunday is likely to bring in complex questions about foreign people and places, too, for many people born under your sign. If that is the case for you, take your time to figure out the pros and cons, but know that there will be a fresh start with it all around Sunday 9th September.

(This is far more likely if your personal birth chart reveals factors in Sagittarius). Capricorn, whatever your birth chart looks like, no matter if foreign people and places are hovering on the to-do list or not, you still need to look at how you get your message across.

This may be about your iPhone, blog, social media use, Skype – or even fundamental issues like speech, hearing, literacy. You have been living with Neptune in your Third House of communication since 2011 and it’s easy to drift into a situation where you can all too easily get in over your head or be carried too far from where you need to be.

Keep it real. Get real. Those are classic advice statements on any Neptune transit, and as you are about to hit a series of complex patterns by mid-September, the time to start reining things it is now. Look at social media in particular, which is notorious for its lack of boundaries.



Aquarius: 20-26 August 2018

You have been in a bubble with your money, house, flat, possessions, charity and/or business for quite a long time.

The bubble changes shape every so often, but it is essentially the same thing – seven years of floating in a totally different space to everyone else!

There is nothing ordinary, regular, mundane or ‘real’ about your particular version of financial reality. To return to the bubble analogy, sometimes it bursts or comes very close to bursting. Sometimes it just seems like a bubble of trouble.

You need to address this, between now and September, as we have a sequence of lunar cycles and planetary patterns, right across the Virgo-Pisces axis of your horoscope, which is where you add up the dollars, pounds or euros and figure things out.

This goes way beyond the actual price tags, or amounts. It goes deeply into your own value system. What you will and will not sell your soul for. Who or what you consider to be priceless.


Pisces: 20-26 August 2018

The Sun enters Virgo, your opposite sign, on Thursday 23rd August, ushering in a period of scrutiny for your marriage, work partnership or sexual relationship.

This is the most important period in 12 months for reshaping the situation with your former or potential partner, too. Occasionally there may be issues about baggage, at this time of year (your partner’s old partner).

Sometimes a rival springs up, so there is a love triangle (a Bizarre Love Triangle if you are a New Order fan). In the main, Pisces, it depends on what you have been creating with this man or woman since the last cycle, in September 2017.

You need to remix the chemistry at the Full Moon on Sunday 23rd September. The Sun represents the father, in astrology, and the Moon represents mother.

On a Full Moon they are opposite each other, which is symbolic of the difference between men and women, but perhaps – if your personal birth chart agrees, and you have factored in Cancer – a larger hint about what needs to be sorted out from November.

Pisces, whatever your birth horoscope looks like, this week is really about the need to deal with what/who does not add up for you, emotionally. You can then make a fresh start on 9th September. There is a lot of sifting, sorting, chopping and changing with this person to be done.





Source: jessica adams


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