8 Tips To Stay Balanced As An Empath

8 Tips To Stay Balanced As An Empath

Are you an empath? Do you feel like a sponge absorbing all the energy from people around you? This could be good or bad energy but nonetheless harmful to our minds and bodies in the long run.

All humans have male and female energies. One helps us with our thinking and the other symbolizes our emotions.

Once the balance is gone, you feel out-of-place, irritated, tired, you find that you have less motivation and less energy. Empaths are mostly dominated by the female energy when they don’t know how to keep the balance in order to protect themselves.

They are more intuitive, they sense things more and faster than others, they absorb others’ vibrations to the point where they can’t exercise their own will at times.


If you are one of those people who find it hard to balance yourself as an empath, here are 8 tips to help you how:


1. Take control of your emotions, get in charge

You are the boss! Repeat this, you are the boss! When you notice someone’s bad vibes or destructive emotional ups and downs, remind yourself this.

Do not let these vibrations take control of your body and mind. Remember that you can have a protective shield around you and you are not a sponge.

It is good to be intuitive, it is good to have strong senses, so use these qualities in a positive way for yourself and don’t let the information that flows into your system overpower you. Keep a mental distance that will enable you to see things from a healthier perspective.


2. Your will power matters

Empaths find it hard to use their will powers to their advantage once they lose their balance.

Sometimes, to the degree of feeling other people’s wills as if they’re their own. It might get confusing.

In times like these, it is a good idea to take notes, write things down about you and what you need and what you want. Go back to these notes when you feel you are getting further away from yourself and about to take a path that is not meant to be yours.

Never feel guilty for having will power, it does not make you selfish, it only makes you stronger and it protects you.


3. Turn the lights off, mentally

When you realize things are getting overwhelming, and you find yourself consumed with bad or negative vibrations coming from all corners, shut down your channels.

It is like turning the lights off mentally, it is your way of telling yourself enough!

Recommended: How to Stop Absorbing Other People’s Emotions

Because you need time on your own and away from all these mind tangling energies around you to sort out where you are, where you should be, what your feelings are and how you can help yourself.


4. Know when to run

When we say run, of course we don’t mean it in a bad way.

You have people you care about and they need your help and support, but when you find yourself in an emotionally draining situation, or if this is a repeating situation that leaves you drained and unmotivated, it is time to run.

Get yourself out of that situation. Listen to the signs your mind and your body are giving you. Trust your gut feelings and if something doesn’t feel right do not get involved with it.


5. Take good care of your body

A good diet can help you balance your immune system and metabolism. But not only that, when you have a balanced body, your energy levels will be higher and you will feel healthier.

Make a list when you eat things and figure out which ones give you discomfort and which ones make you feel sick or tired.

Try to eat natural organic foods and stay away from processed foods as much as you can.

Recommended: Three Habits to Use on Your Body to Get Rid of Negative Emotions

Yoga, tai-chi, martial arts, jogging, walking… any exercise will help your brain release more endorphins naturally and this will help you tremendously in finding back your balance too.


6. Don’t forget your mind

You need to take care of your mind too as much as your body. You need those gray brain cells to function properly.

A daily meditation, especially mindfulness meditation can help you with this. You can also try transcendental meditation.

They both help keep you in the present moment and with breathing exercises and repeating mantras, you can reorganize your brain and get rid of the thoughts that are not useful to you and that are giving you stress and anxiety.


7. Positive affirmations

When we put our focus and energy into something that we really want, we have the power to achieve it. Positive affirmations help us in this area.

Repeating them daily reprograms our brains and boosts our self-esteem and keeps us focused on our path to self-improvement. Positive affirmations also help us in times when we feel weak and we need to recharge our batteries.

Recommended: 11 Grounding Techniques For Empaths to Avoid Apathy and Depression

Just a few minutes devoted to this practice daily will soon help you in need of emergency. Use this moment when you repeat these affirmations as an emergency break to pull yourself out of a situation and quickly regain your focus and energy.


8. Reduce your consumption of certain things

Alcohol, caffeine, drugs that are stimulants… All these things are bad habits for everyone but especially when you are an empath they are worse for you.

Imagine this: you have your radar on, scanning everyone and everything around you and it’s on autopilot.

This scan happens constantly and the results are coming in by the seconds. You are very vulnerable and open to emotional breakdowns. Because your mind doesn’t know how to rest and you get emotionally involved in these things too.

Caffeine and drugs that give stimulation will give you panic and anxiety and alcohol will bring you down and make you weaker too. Stay away from these bad habits as much as you can to protect your inner balance.


Help Gostica raise the vibrations and SHARE this article with your family and friends.


Special thanks to our friends at Soul Science for their priceless tips. You can visit their wonderful website here and their Facebook page here.


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