Here’s Your Likelihood Of Being A “Type A” Or “Type B” Personality, Based On Astrology


Cancer Man: Type A – Crabby, Traditional, And Ambitious

Here’s the deal with you, Cancer man – you are great at putting on a tough face for the world, but deep inside you are a melting pot of overwhelming emotions.

No wonder you tend to snap people’s heads off when you are in one of your ultra-crabby moods! And since that tends to happen with every passing phase of the moon, you definitely are a strong Type A.

But that’s not all there is to you.

You are an extremely ambitious individual with a knack for making investments in the right places at the right times. After all, you are a traditional man who is family oriented and therefore wants to make sure they are comfortable and well cared for.


Cancer Woman: Type A – Emotional, Passionate, And Moody

All Cancers are hyper-emotional. But you, Cancer woman, tend to take it to another level! That’s the reason why you firmly fall in the Type A category in this classification. You just can’t help the emotions you feel. Especially the more anxiety-inducing ones!

And while you are not very ambitious in the work sphere unlike other Type A’s (after all, you are as traditional as your male counterpart, and so, would rather have your man provide for you), you definitely are ambitious when it comes to your family, often dreaming of having a house full of little kids who then grow up to make you proud one day. It’s the one arena you really want to excel in compared to everyone else.


Leo Man: Type A – Brash, Overconfident, And Hungry For The Spotlight

They say there are two types of Leo men: the curious and introverted cat type, and the more extroverted lion type. Regardless of the type you identify with, Leo man, you definitely crave attention and are super ambitious! A Type A through-and-through.

Just watch out for that overconfident streak when the limelight is on you.

A trip under the spotlight can be extremely embarrassing. Plus, you tend to keep replaying the incident in your head over and over again afterward, which causes you gasket-blowing amounts of stress!

But then again, you are an optimistic lion, and therefore, these not-so-savory moments don’t really keep you down for too long. After all, you are the alpha (at least, that’s how you think of yourself), and the alpha needs to be on top of his game if he wants to retain his throne!


Leo Woman: Type A – Overdramatic, Stubborn, And Regal

Historically speaking, queens were always considered less important than kings…until some of them (think: Nefertiti and Queen Victoria) showed the men who the real boss was. And you, a Leo woman, feel that on a spiritual level. After all, you know you are the real boss too!

From your stubborn refusal to interact with anyone who does not speak to you with respect to your great love for dramatic actions and proclamations that turn the spotlight on you, you are a Type A all the way through!

Recommended: This is What Your Birth Animal Reveals About Your Personality

Just watch out for that stubborn and prideful streak of yours. They often do you more harm than good. So, it’s always best to have a more level-headed Type B friend who can be the trusted advisor to your queen.


Virgo Man: Type B – Observant, Helpful, And Dependable

Virgo might be an earth sign, but you, Virgo man, don’t feel as sorted as Taurus and Capricorn inside your head. After all, you are ruled by Mercury, whose airy energy feels at odds with your more earthy ways. This is the reason why you often fluctuate between being a Type A and a Type B, although you are a Type B most of the time!

When you are calm, you are solid and dependable.

Always the voice of reason and practicality in a room full of unrealistic dreamers. Plus, you love being of service to people and will often offer your help even before it is asked for.

But when the mercurial side of you takes over, you often tend to break down into a hyperirritable state induced by your brain’s overthinking nature! Be sure to take a minute and call up a Type B friend for help slowing those overwhelming thoughts down.


Virgo Woman: Type B – Capable, Pays Attention To Details, And Sharp

You may not be the most nurturing presence in the zodiac (even though you are an earth sign), but you, Virgo woman, are definitely the one men flock to when they are more mature and understand the value of a dependable and sure woman in their life. It’s your ultimate Type B gift!

You are capable, practical, and think ten steps ahead before you even get out of your house. And that includes keeping some change for the bus because you don’t want to bother the conductor!

There’s something really solid about you that way.

Just make sure you don’t let people take advantage of your helpful nature. And if you are not able to say no (which you most often are not able to do), we recommend you ask a Type A friend to save you from having to do so!


Libra Man: Type B – Diplomatic, Calm, And Charming

Out of all the zodiac men, you, Libra man, are the most gentlemanly of the lot. Even more than the Taurus man, though both your zodiac signs are ruled by the planet of love, Venus.

Perhaps it’s because your brand of Venusian charm is airier in nature (since Libra is an air sign), and thus, relies more on brains than brawn to do the charming.

All this makes you a natural Type B.

After all, unlike the ever-ready-to-go-to-war Aries, you like to think things through, see all the pros and cons of a decision, and only then arrive at a conclusion in every arena in your life.

Plus, you are a staunch diplomat who refuses to partake in conflicts. No wonder you rarely suffer from anxiety disorders in life!


Libra Woman: Type B – Compassionate, Classy, And Social

You probably do not know this, Libra woman, but you tend to be more beautiful than any other woman in the entire zodiac. It’s a gift of your planetary ruler, Venus. The gift of endless charm, soft beauty, and feminine grace.

All this firmly places you in the Type B personality box since you would rather sweet talk people into working with you, thus reducing your workload exponentially and reaching your goal faster, than get into fights like Type A’s tend to do and then have to shoulder the whole weight of your project yourself till the finish line. Your diplomatic skills are legendary that way.

Plus, there’s the fact that you are quite classy when you deal with people. Always showing them respect and compassion, which wins you half the battle before you even put your argument forward!


Continues on the next page…


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