Tag: Pluto retrograde
When you hear the word “retrograde,” do you shudder with terror? Do you dread this strange time in astrology with all your fear-soaked heart? Well, I certainly hope not. …
Pluto is a mysterious planet in astrology. As one of the slowest-moving planets in our solar system (also the planet that’s usually the most distant from the earth), its …
Over the retrograde period, make time to do a journal exercise. This journal exercise works best right after meditation or first thing in the morning when your mind is …
Pluto retrograde begins April 24 until October 3rd, 2019. As Pluto moves so slowly, we often don’t notice when it enters into retrograde, however this year, there is a …
How does that Shakespearean quote go? “Though she is little, she is fierce.” Once Pluto goes retrograde this Sunday (and will stay that way until September), we’ll come to …
Both Saturn and Pluto shift into retrograde from April to September 2018, in the earth sign of Capricorn. In astrology, Saturn and Pluto deliver us some of the toughest …
On April 20th, Pluto will start moving backwards in the sky. When a planet does this, it means that is going in retrograde motion. It is not really travelling …